Was STOLITZ DOOMED From the Start? - Helluva Boss


コメント (21)
  • @blu3_sue
    I think that consciously, Stolas has nothing against imps and does in fact see in Blitz as an equal. However, I think that there is a part of his subconscious that is discriminatory against imps and sees them as beneath him due to his classist upbringing. You can even see it during the childhood flashback, he says things like "oh is this an IMP game" or "YOU'RE going to hire ME?" Again, I don't think Stolas is aware of it at all, but it is something that he should acknowledge.
  • OK, so this joke wasn't wasted on me. Blitz tried to break Solas's neck but forgot he was an owl. I had spat out my drink, cough laughed. And rewinded just to make sure I saw correctly
  • I was struck by the baby stolas quote where he says, "well, if its what YOU want to play". thats sort of been the stolitz vibe to me, especially after this ep - stolas talks dirty because its what he thinks blitz wants, he doesn't ask to go on dates or admit his true feelings because he thinks blitz doesn't want that kind of relationship. and because blitz is bad at showing/accepting his emotions and pushes people away, stolas can't possibly know that that isn't what blitz wants
  • Stolas staying married "to give her a normal life" really wasn't as good for Octavia as he intended, and I really hope that'll be acknowledged more later in the story. By the time I was Octavia's age I was literally begging my mother to stop "staying for the kids" and get a fucking divorce.
  • Blitz being terrible for Stolas is true, HOWEVER, the relationship with Blitz being good for Stolas is also true. It got him out of his shell and showed him that he could be loved and deserved better. -Guy who was the Blitz for too many people
  • i truly love this take. everyone is saying that this episode is retconning stolas' classism, when in reality its reframing it, highlighting how blissfully ignorant he is because he doesn't mean it, and is doing it anyways, upsetting blitz while he just has no idea what's wrong
  • @mysryuza
    “Cannot fathom proper intimacy but also craves it as well.” That line always hits home for me
  • we got to see that Stolas was probably more raised by his imp butler than his owl dad so that might also explain some of why he is so comfortable around imps. Also did anyone else get Alred vibes from the butler imp?
  • @DrVella
    Stolas giving Blitzo the Asmodian Crystals basically forces Blitzo to realise the relationship wasn't just for the sex and that Stolas DOES actually care for him, what Blitzo's reaction to that is unknowable at the moment but it finally allows their relationship to grow
  • I feel like he's going to give Blitz the crystal and Blitz is going to take that as Stolas ending the relationship because he doesn't want anything to do with him, and there'll be a period where they're dealing with their own issues. I also think Stolas is going to end up in a dangerous situation with his family and Blitzo is going to show up and save him, like how Stolas saved him in the human world. Maybe then they'll realize they both legitimately care about each other, or maybe it'll be when it snows in hell.
  • I honestly can't tell if the writing on this series is fucking excellent or if all of us are just reading too far into it. Just think its funny that this series while being delivered as an adult comedy actually has so many sublayers about everything from societal issues in hell to generational trauma dumping. Viziepop should be getting way more recognition than they are for this stuff.
  • One thing that i thought after analyzing these two is that judging by how Blitz has reacted to Stolas’ true form and Striker, I think his “type” is probably more on the dominant side. Even Verosika if you think about it. Blitz and Stolas have been playing in the sub-dom s&m relationship, where Stolas THINKS Blitz like being 100% dom, (because of their first time) but… to me it seems like Blitz would like a more dominant Stolas sometimes. And funny enough, asking Stolas to be confident and dominant would be interesting. Because he has been the “submissive” one in his relationship since the beginning. Playing with S&M might be new to him, but the role he plays is not. This could be weirdly tied to a character growth for him.
  • I think an important thing about blitzo not wanting to steal is that he never said it was wrong or bad, he simply asked what would happen if he got caught. Im not saying he didnt think of it as a bad thing but considering how the show has portrayed hell and its social structure so far i wouldnt be suprised if the reason blitz was hesitant was only BECAUSE it was the Goetia family.
  • Am I the only one who wants Moxxie and Millie, as two imps that are great and communicating with each other, to sit down with Blitzo and Stolas and teach them how?
  • Something I find really interesting is how we have seen how common it is for goeitia with red eyes like Stolas to have pupils, yet his only appear when he is expressing a higher amount of emotion than he typically would (best example of this is in episode two of season two when he realizes that he forgot about the meteor shower he was supposed to see with Via.) I think it's a really cool design choice that does a great job at casually displaying just how much Stolas' butler and dad were bullshitting with the "excitment is unbecoming of a goetia." Literally every other goetia with eyes like Stolas' never have to hide their emotions, thus their pupils always beign visable. Hell, even Paimon always has his pupils visable. This was just a cool detail that I wanted to share incase someone didn't notice.
  • I’m probably alone in those but I think it’d be interesting if Blitzø and Stolas don’t get back together until the end of the season, so they can work out their personal issues separate from each other
  • Honestly, as much as i like Stolitz. Stolas could do both better and worse than Blitz and Stella, but you never know the future of their relationship hasn't been completely written yet so it could get better i mean assuming that Stolas and Blitz work out whatever issues they have and start over.
  • I think that Stolas calling Blitz his "Impish little plaything" in the D.H.O.R.K.S. episode was more of him projecting power and dominance to the humans to scare them, not actually saying he considers Blitz as his plaything