The American isekai you've never heard of

Published 2024-08-02

All Comments (21)
  • @quirinoguy8665
    She's like a lore accurate souls protagonist, canonically murdering the crap out of everyone because everybody wants them dead too.
  • @peterwhite6415
    Honeslty, Getrude was a 10 year old child, who was having fun in her room and then got Isekai and imediatly thought she was going to die, only to get injured and was told to go on a Quest to find a Key to return home... I dont think its just her being "abit" dumb but how do you expect a 10 year old to do a whole quest after getting a "near-death experience" even if they have a guide? The poor girl problaby had multiple mental breakdowns over time both from: - Missing her parents - Wanting to go home - Trying to speed up things and failing cause she misunderstood something or it wasnt clear - She at somepoint killed something either on acident or on purpose (either due to stress or anger or both) - Slowy stop caring about it all - The main reason she hates Fairyland: Your expected and obligated to have fun there, wich makes it unfun and just tiresome. It wouldnt suprise me if Happy was given a easier task since: - Gertrude kinda messed up multiple of them, often through murder, shortening the list further; - The Queen and others want her dead, so maybe Happy had a Cheat Sheet of sorts.
  • Darketh Deaddeth was ironically the most reasonable person Gert had met in years. He gave her a difficult but straightforward task and gave her what she asked for when she succeeded. Iactually felt sorry for her when she was asked why exactly she hates Fairyland so much, and she explains it's because your made to feel like your obligated to have fun her, and obligation to do anything, no matter how fun it is, makes it not enjoyable.
  • @Sonicsgirl13
    A lot of people seem to forget a very important key detail: Gertrude fell into Fairyland HEADFIRST. And was not given ANY medical treatment whatsoever and instead was given a map to find a key home. She more than likely suffered from brain damage as well as trauma of being taken away from her parents and home. Plus she's was 6 and didn't have such knowledge of navigating a map in the first place. With the untreated head injury and trauma and Fairyland's passive aggressive toxic positivity and riddles, it's no wonder why Gertrude ended up the way she did.
  • @lordskull4382
    This book is entirely what got me into comics as a whole, watching comicstorians videos on it over and over again was the majority of my childhood
  • @gardenagnostic
    i cant help but feel bad for all of the kids. gertude was just a kid and got stuck in fairyland for years - losing her childhood and somehow growing up too soon and never being able to grow up, happy was literally just a innocent little girl who had her own chance to get the hell out of that place stolen from her by gertrude, and duncan wasn't even supposed to be there, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. none of them are ever going to see their families ever again. its sad.
  • @animezilla4486
    Yes I please read more issues I didn't realize that I hate fairytale even had a continuation
  • @magnusm4
    This looks like a 90s cartoon made for adult swim and I want it. NOW! Also a 37 year old in a girl's body is a villain in Batman TAS. But it's not creepy. Just tragic and sad. Also her powers, faces and actions are like the mask without Stanley and the humor.
  • @fryguy9704
    Am I the only person who gets mad “Conker’s Bad Fur Day” vibes here? A character who was at first cute and cuddly and had a happy life until one day, they appeared in new territory, lost and trying to get back home. As time goes on, they become more adult, despite looking the same. Also, a royal figure wants to kill them, so they sent someone after them. After killing the royal figure, they are now crowed to be the new royal figure, much to their dismay.
  • I remember being a little kid excited to read every chapter since I wanted the mc so badly to go home
  • @hvnsl
    I remember reading this after finding it from the local library, my mom made a DnD character inspired by Gertrude
  • @JLacay
    I’m surprised this comic never got adapted into a cartoon show like Invincible and the BOYS.
  • @legoferrari14
    Dayum. Not even Tanya von Degurechaff was this mentally cracked out.
  • @rayyannoor129
    I read that comic when I was younger, I never understood the escalation into violence.
  • @shzarmai
    "I just wanted a Cupcake 🧁 from Gertrude" - This guy
  • @2ndsnake899
    This is the fairy tail equivalent of the Postal Dude and I'm all for it.