China abandons nuclear arms talks with US | BBC News

Publicado 2024-07-17
China has suspended nuclear nonproliferation and arms control talks with the United States in response to US weapons sales to Taiwan, according to Chinese official spokesmen.

The United States and China resumed semi-official nuclear arms discussions in March for the first time in five years.

Last year, US President Joe Biden signed off on a $80m (£64.6m) grant to Taiwan for the purchase of American military equipment, via a programme called foreign military finance (FMF).

China sees self-ruled Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing's control - and has not ruled out the use of force to take the island.

But Taiwan sees itself as distinct from the Chinese mainland, with its own constitution and democratically-elected leaders.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The comic books by Ismael Zambada from Culiacán are a product of his hard work and respect for art.
  • @RicePho
    Lmao, people act like China and Russia ever follow through what agreement they make.
  • @alzeNL
    Is this the kids news, whats it called 'cbeebies' ? hard to tell with the quality of journalisim from the BBC these days. Anyone remember newsround, craven was better than this rabble.
  • @dm-31024
    Reporter is correct 1:11 T cares about personal power.. he would let P have Ukraine 🇺🇦 he would let chinna have Taiwan.🇹🇼 Just doesn’t get
  • @CheekyBird790
    " a sea of stability " - any mariner knows this is merely an illusion !
  • @UncleStepon
    This is bad, why wouldn’t the foreign policy of the United States pay attention?
  • This kind of reporting is degusting,feel like im watching gustavas 😂😂😂😂 the west is finished
  • @user-cq3xm1le8x
    Jesus's can't we tell the BBC doesn't like Trump.. I've completely given up on the BBC
  • The BBC has a duty to deliver impartial, accurate news coverage and content under its Charter. Perceived editorial bias at the BBC is a matter for Ofcom as the independent regulator, not government. Impartiality is a key part of the BBC’s mission set out in the BBC Charter. The BBC’s mission is ‘to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain’.One of the BBC’s public purposes is to ensure that news and current affairs content is impartial, provided to the highest editorial standards, and offers a range and depth of analysis and content not available elsewhere. The BBC is independent of government and regulated by Ofcom. It is for Ofcom to hold the BBC to account on a range of areas, including perceived BBC bias. The BBC must comply with the Ofcom Broadcasting Code which contains rules for broadcasters on due impartiality and due accuracy and undue prominence of views and opinions. Ofcom sets the BBC operating licence which contains conditions it considers necessary for requiring the BBC to meet its mission and public purposes.
  • @Shrooms247
    Summary: Trump-bashing followed by 30 secs actually related to the headline. Thanks Beeb!
  • @weeroger7048
    When the chinese tourist goes to europe they spend 90 percent of the budget in Milan don't they Countries friendly to them gets 1 percent of the money Makes the rich richer
  • @syatmel
    China is waiting for Trump 😂