Sonic Movie 3 Plot Synopsis LEAKED!

Publicado 2024-05-20

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • 0:40 Thanks for the credit man. Also, appreciate the shout out. I knew it looked familiar, once when I saw that synopsis being leaked online.
  • @Jimmysonic1
    Sofia Pernas is listed as Amy om IMDb but it could be fake since IMDb is editable
  • I knew we weren't getting the trailer that soon. Like I said, I believe it's coming roughly next month or possibly July. But regardless, it'll come when it's ready to come. Can't do anything else but be patient. That being said, looking forward to the Sonic movie 3. It's gonna be a good film
  • LETS GOOO! We got some new Sonic movie 3 news. The plot Synopsis sounds super interesting and I can’t wait for movie 3!
  • I can’t believe I’m living in a timeline where a major movie company is taking heavy inspiration from SA2 Battle to incorporate parts of the plot of such an amazing game for said movie in real life. This is amazing.
  • I'm excited and I can't wait to see the sonic movie 3 trailer sonichub!
  • @glantshenyego
    they released this when people are extremely hungry for sonic three new 😪
  • @glantshenyego
    I thought it would spoil me but it turned out to be a small plot reveal
  • @TheLedezmas
    The plot does sound interesting and exciting! I'm hyped for the movie to come out. I'm sad that we didn't get the trailer for the movie, but I'm sure they'll wait for the perfect time to release it. At least we got something, like this plot news. Better than nothing!
  • @skylarslocker
    never been so intense into waiting for a trailer for a movie