Barcelona: Protesters squirt water pistols at foreigners in attempt to reclaim their city | DW News

Published 2024-07-08
Frustration at overtourism in Barcelona boiled over as protesters squirted water pistols at foreigners this weekend. Thousands of demonstrators marched in protest at the number of tourists coming to visit. Barcelona is Spain's most visited city. Some 12 million people come there every year. The protesters say that has led to a lack of housing and soaring rent for residents.

00:00 Protest against overtourism in Barcelona
01:21 Carme Arcarazo, Barcelona Tenant Union


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#Barcelona #Tourism #Spain

All Comments (21)
  • @DanielMasmanian
    This is ridiculous. Blame your politicians, not your visitors.
  • @hien323fable
    Barcelona, be careful what you wish for. When the tourists stop going to your city, you guys will protest that there are no jobs and money.
  • It’s not the tourists that are raising prices; it is the greed of your fellow Spaniards.
  • Imagine the stupidity of believing that 1) all people in the city are moving to tourism related work 2) Tourism is paying very low wages Ok then, why are they choosing to leave their higher paying jobs to work in tourism?
  • @DamanLSun
    The people of Catalonia are so cringe. What's worse is that instead of blaming the people who make a lot of money from the tourists they blame the tourist.
  • @warrenSPQRXxl
    Without the tourists what will all the thieves in Barcelona do?
  • @Zeno7741
    14% of Barcelona GDP comes from tourism
  • Wait... if you have no problem with individual tourists, why did you targeted individual tourists? If you want politicians to act, why don't you target politicians?
  • @fim1968
    I'm from Greece. We face similar problems with overtourism and as a reseult some areas have turned into giant airbnbs. But we would never attack our visitors this way. They're not to blame for the housing crisis and they deserve respect because they chose to visit us, spend their money, create employment. Of course they deserve to have a nice time and without them our economy would greatly suffer. Also water pistols might bring the opposite results during heatwaves. Maybe they can try rubber bu llets next time!
  • @rubo1964
    I wouldn't want to visit a city that hates tourists Cross the list forever Barcelona
  • @d.powers3428
    Oh yes, I have seen nothing sadder than a town with a destroyed reputation of hospitality.
  • @Flashipedia
    Harassing foreigners? Classy bunch, these Barcelonians.
  • @dagoncalves1986
    Owners of houses are the ones raising prices.. you have no one to blame but the greed of locals... hypocrisy runs high
  • @TheCritter001
    That's happening in every major city lady. You don't attack people that are paying the bills..
  • @MsCl
    During the covid they complained that there were no tourists, now they complain that there are a lot of tourists.
  • Exploitative wages and excessively high rents are problems that local politicians must solve. The residents' anger should be directed at them and not at the tourists.
  • @sunvegeta
    Sorry lady, but squirting, throwing, or splashing water on unsuspected person is considered an "assault" in many places!
  • @JonnyDee
    So your politicians allowed this to happen, but you're protesting tourists there to appreciate your beautiful city, & spend money supporting Barcelonans? You're mad at the wrong people!
  • That is just rude. It's not the tourist's fault. Just small-minded people.