Here's What Stopping Self Sabotage Looks Like [An Example]

Publicado 2021-01-19
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There's no better way to understand how to stop self sabotaging than walking through an actual example of self sabotaging behavior in action.

In this video, MedCircle Host Kyle Kittleson, psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula, and hypnotherapist Grace Smith show what stopping self sabotage actually looks like by walking through the example of emotional eating.

There are many subconscious reasons people parttake in binge eating, and those reasons are not obvious. The reasons are more tied into mental health than you would think.

Here's what stopping self sabotage looks like.


How hypnotherapy can help binge eating disorder and emotional eating
How therapy can help someone deal with these behaviors / symptoms
Some examples of subconscious beliefs that may drive self sabotaging thoughts and lead to binge eating behavior
How to spot the signs that these strategies for stopping self-sabotage are working
Dr. Ramani's therapeutic approach to binge eating disorder recovery
How Grace's therapeutic approach doesn't just curb these symptoms; it can help with overcome fear, crave self care vs self sabotage, improve the emotional health of relationships, and more.

These methods are not just effective for self improvement or personal growth. They can address the root causes of depression, anxiety, general stress, and other certain types of mental illness.

#SelfSabotage #MentalHealth #MedCircle

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MedCircle
    Enjoying this interview? This is just one episode of a full series! Get instant access to the rest HERE
  • One of the most common reasons for binge eating is an attempt to manage unpleasant emotions such as stress, depression, loneliness, fear, and anxiety. When you have a bad day, it can seem like food is your only friend.👍
  • @Dr.JudeAEMasonMD
    Dr. Ramani has kind of become my surrogate maternal attachment figure. I’ve never met the woman, but she has helped me access, understand and begin to process my gaping mother wound. She’s so safe, on a deep primitive psyche level, at least as she exists on this platform, my brain perceives her as safe.
  • @meerschweinchenn
    my parents raised my siblings and i on really unhealthy food. a trip to the grocery store meant coming home with donuts, oreos, poptarts, popcorn, ice cream, etc. despite their part in this, we were shamed for our weight and eating habits. there were so many instances my dad would see me grabbing cookies and he'd say, "you might as well glue those to your hips cause that's where they're going." or he'd jiggle my stomach and exclaim, "dang you're getting chubby!" this lead to me binging and binging and binging at any opportunity when i would be alone. instead of snacking on a couple cookies, i began obsessively eating rows and rows of cookies followed by ice cream with poptarts broken up in it followed by pizza in a short period of time. i'd eat just a little bit when we went out to eat, and then i'd binge the leftovers when no one was looking. long story short, i developed an ED as the years went on and dropped to a very low weight and was obsessively working out. this lasted years and my parents PRAISED my weight loss, not realizing how i was obtaining it. whenever i 'recovered' from my ED, i would binge. this was a cycle. starving, binging, starving, binging for years and years. there's no in between for me. i either go to the grocery store and check food ratings and read every label of every item i buy or i go to the store and come home with 6000000 calories of snacks. i finally 'recovered' for the millionth time and i've steadily been a binge eater for the past 5 years. an ED is for life, whether it's binging or starving. for example, i'm currently on day 3 of a stomach bug and all my brain is thinking is "look how much better you look when you don't eat. look how skinny you're getting. even when you feel better, you need to eat way less and get thin again." it's a constant battle between my binging brain and my starving brain.
  • @then35t18
    Pretty sure this outright explains obesity in the US. I had a theory that excess body fat is really just stored, unprocessed, or repressed emotional trauma.
  • @Lindableching
    I’ve hated my body for so many years and this reminded when it all started. My mother would call out every part of my body. At 11 I started developing breast and got my period she told everyone, in public at the table in restaurants. She made fun of me. She told me all the men would “want me” When I was 13 I was raped, I felt like I caused it because I was developed and looked like a woman. So I started eating and getting fat, until I was 16 then I starved myself. I also left home at 16 and hated food just as much as my body. When people started talking about how skinny I was, I felt embarrassed and trapped. This was so helpful to me. Seeing the pattern and understanding 11 year old Linda was mortified and didn’t have good decision making skills. I was angry at my mom for so many other things but this was something I could or thought I could control.
  • @vanlmr
    Having a doctor like either one of them would absolutely change my life for the better 😩
  • @yanitam1297
    Dr Ramani really has been so beneficial and helpful for me. I wish mental health therapy was valued more importantly within society no matter your situation in society. Awareness really does bring knowledge. If all people could access these types of therapy no matter their situation in society I really believe it could really help reshape so much truama around the world x
  • Love this! But I wish the title said it was about eating, not just self Sabotage in general.
  • @denizbesikcioglu
    Kyle, you always know the key questions to ask.. Love and appreciate your show!
  • @rosiej.1473
    These two professionals together is amazing. A lot of what you related to food is also relatable to getting out of a cult or high control group. Trauma, being ostracized, fear, anxiety, shame and the list goes on. Since leaving the cult I was in I have seen a natural path, psychologist, PA psychiatrist, and hypnotherapist and listing to you all talk about all this things I finally after 18 months feel like, I am not crazy I knew the paths to take to get help and I did it. Still working through all the garbage but slowly getting there.
  • @mikesgirl1988
    I never ever was a night eater, never had a problem with my weight, but now that I'm seriously stressed, yep getting up at night and eating, and gaining weight, it's cause I'm unhappy and bored
  • I am literally obsessed with this series. Amazing work. So informative. I would love if you guys did a series on play therapy. I have noticed you guys don’t have that much content when it comes to little kiddos.
  • @beaniegirl55
    am i the only one who finds this conversation relaxing?
  • @ajsam4881
    Not me watching this late at night and binge eating LOL.......
  • @hannahlm6527
    My struggle with food started when I was very young, around 4 or 5 years old. My parents were always out so they had to get me a nanny. She just stuffs me with food like 2 or 3 packs of baby food in one sitting. After a few weeks, my parents noticed that I was gaining weight fast and that my food supply kept running out. They eventually found out and fired her. Since then I couldn't stop eating big meals. At around 10 years old, my mom would tell me to eat less and I remember being mad and offended everytime she did. I continued doing it until I was 18 when I realized that it wasn't normal. It took so much in me to try and change how I eat to the point that it frustrated me. It wasn't until college when I had to move out that I was able to see some progress. I think it was because of my environment. Now that I'm back home because of the pandemic, the habits are coming back. It takes a lot of willpower to stop myself from going back to old habits. But what keeps me going forward is the happiness and confidence I felt when I was getting better.
  • @LB-fk7ul
    so thankful for these videos! im learning so much ! Thank you to everyone :D
  • @cdow9032
    Wow! This is answering so may questions I've been asking myself about hiw and why I set limits for myself, and feel I am not worthy of beibg what I know I am capable of. Some employers also contribute to this ie: " that position is filled, but we have this" and I'm tempted to take those bread crumbs out of fear, but no more. Thanks for this enlightenment!
  • @paradisecolors
    Another amazing educational video. This was very helpful. Thank you so much