Why I Hate Wallflower Blush.

Publicado 2024-03-29

I have tried explaining to people for years why I disliked her character so much, so I made a video about it!

This isn't even really a criticism to the writers; they're all incredibly talented and I have loved everything they have put out. I just really didn't like this character and how her story was concluded.

I'm not entertaining debate or negativity in the comment section, I just didn't want to keep repeating myself every time someone asked me my opinion

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @NoNo-vv4vo
    she feels like the friendship version of an incel tbh
  • @RockCandy718
    Thank goodness I’m not the only one who feels this way. Even as a “forgettable” person, I couldn’t connect to Wall Flower. There’s a difference between people treating you like you’re invisible out of disrespect vs just not knowing you personally.
  • I feel like MoonDancer is a much better Wallflower Blush because they actually knew what to do with her character. 😂
  • @Night_On_Wcue
    Honestly I just expected her to be a “little” mad. But girl legit erased her friends memories just because of one small thing 😭
  • Wall Flower really was just a petty girl who only wanted attention and clout. She didn't give a damn whether or not Sunset was a douche in the past. She was just jealous of all the attention she got after her redemption. Wall Flower prefectly exemplifies the deadly sin of Envy because she's so jealous of Sunset that she decided that if she can't have friends, then no one can, which is extremely petty and bratty. But because it's a kids show, the protagonist must always forgive the antagonist, even if it's completely undeserved. It makes us think that Wall Flower is entitled to Sunset's forgiveness, which isn't true at all, and sends a bad message to kids that forgiveness isn't an option but a requirement. I absolutely refuse to bury the hatchet of someone who chooses to be a whiny brat who can't accept that life isn't fair, and people should do the same.
  • .....so she erases HERSELF from peoples memory.... then complains no one notices her, takes it out on a person who has worked hard to better themself because that person didnt notice her?
  • If wallflower had more lore to her, like she was mostly picked on by sunset shimmer when she was still mean, id empathize with her more. But shes literally just jealous of nothing?
  • @HiMiss-no8dm
    Oh noooooooo. No one notices me because I'm boring and basic and erase people's memories of me because I hate attention. So what do I do? Oh yh let's completely ruin someone's life by erasing her friend's good memories of them despite the fact that she has done nothing to me except "not notice me". 10/10 logic right there.
  • @Cookie_girl633
    The fact that Sunset didnt even bully her when she was mean, so is she mad she didnt bully her?! Coz thats how i saw it when i first watched the special.
  • @moonamoonz
    I don't hate Wallflower, but i definetly see a reason to dislike her. Personally what bugs me the most is something that happened in MLP and in multiple other series and movies as well: How the villain only asks for forgiveness because they are powerless or have been caught. It's a fake apology, if they didn't lose their powers i'm sure they would keep doing evil things, and is something that makes me dislike a villain even more.
  • @user-gw2tw2ur3d
    I honestly didn't love the message of the movie. I get what they were trying to say, that you shouldn't ignore people and that some children don't have any friends and that's a problem; I myself am a girl with social anxiety who rarely talkes to anyone at my school. And sure, I'd like to have more friends, but it would be completely wrong to hate people because they don't give me attention when I don't bring attention to myself. It's nobody else's fault that everyone ignores me if I ignore everyone, too, and the same goes for everyone. You can't be friends with every single person who is lonely, and no one can be expected to be aware of every single person who doesn't have friends.
  • @hearts4pinkie_
    she hated how invisible she was to others, but she used the memory stone to erase any public interaction so it’s like, what did she expect? i know that social anxiety sucks because i deal with it too but, since she kept erasing any memory of her it’s honestly her own fault
  • @NICJUS5
  • @inxinfate
    THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS dude ive been saying this FOR YEARSSS since the release of forgotten friendship. i find her so annoying my god, of course no one remembers you! You used equestrian magic to ERASE everyone's memories of youuuu the world doesnt revolve around you. im glad she never became a popular character on the most part, i love forgotten friendship for the bonding between trixie and sunset and i think trixie really saved that special because wallflower was the most lacklustre antagonist ever
  • @Bunihime
    She made u come out of 3 years of silence
  • Wallflower: "I'm sick of people forgetting about me!" proceeds to actively use a magic stone to erase people's memories of her
  • @a.t.trujillo9970
    Sunset did nothing to her and she just gets mad cuz nobody knows her so she freaking punishes her for something she didn't do
  • "I know I intentionally used magic to permanently erase everyone's memories of me BUT WHY DOES NO ONE REMEMBER ME????" Wallflower Blush had the potential to be an interesting character, someone who didn't forgive Sunset for bullying her despite how much she's changed. Someone who blended into the crowd so much that Sunset never approached her to personally apologise, and the knowledge that she was forgotten about made the grudge Wallflower held stronger over time. Even a completely redeemed Sunset "Element of Empathy" Shimmer couldn't be bothered to remember her. She feels like the only person who hasn't forgiven Sunset because she never even received an apology from her. Her shyness isn't the only thing keeping her from making friends, it's also the fact that everyone around her loves Sunset and her friends and gushes over them for always saving the world with the magic of friendship, magic a ruthless bully like Sunset didn't deserve to wield. Finally having the courage to confront Sunset in person only to be treated like a complete stranger and forgotten about again is what triggers Wallflower to erase her friends' memories. It could be interesting to explore a character who didn't instantly forgive the redeemed villain even after they helped to save the world, needing a face-to-face apology and genuine connection to separate the person they are now from who they used to be. This way the message of "Sometimes it's not enough to just not be mean to people, you need to show genuine kindness too" could actually be a lesson Sunset needs to learn. It didn't work in the special because she couldn't remember to be kind to someone who purposefully magically erased all her memories of them, but with much better writing it could be a unique lesson for a redeemed villain on this show. Sunset's been redeemed for so long that she may have stopped going out of her way to be kind, believing that she's been forgiven by everyone who knew her as a bully and didn't need to prove herself anymore. She doesn't make as much of an effort to sit next to someone who looks lonely, she already has a big group of friends waiting for her. Sunset spends so much time with her incredibly close and practically soul-bonded friendship group that, even with her Empathy powers, she doesn't always notice when others feel the same loneliness she once did. Saving the world definitely helps her look like a hero, but a private apology to someone you hurt shows that you respect them as an individual. That's exactly what Wallflower needed, Sunset reaching out would prove to her that she was worth remembering. A character as beloved both in universe and by the fandom as Sunset Shimmer learning that sometimes forgiveness isn't earned by one big gesture (even if that gesture is saving the world) and instead earned by saying/doing things that personally mean something to the ones you've hurt. Even if you don't know them very well, making the effort to get to know them will prove that you're truly sorry. Forgiveness isn't always instant and that person isn't always going to become your best friend afterwards, but you should still try to make amends to give them and even yourself closure. Have Wallflower's breakdown be more serious, tell us that Sunset's bullying gave her very low self-esteem to the point where she shut herself away from her peers out of fear that anyone she grew close to would be annoyed by her shyness and eventually forget about her. Like a more intense Moondancer, given that Sunset was actively cruel to those around her while Twilight just wasn't interested in friendship. If you want to bring up the concept of Sunset not being forgiven by everyone she used to bully, do something compelling with it instead of making the antagonist extremely petty and stupid enough to be mad at Sunset for forgetting her when she literally admits to purposefully erasing every single interaction she's ever had with not only Sunset but everyone else. And then not even having someone state the obvious that her problem was her own fault. As someone who's always been really shy and struggled to make friends, it's really disappointing that Wallflower Blush is the representation of shy kids who, unlike Fluttershy, don't magically end up in a big friend group who always want to include you and never make you feel like no one would notice if you disappeared. Maybe the memory stone is supposed to be an allegory for people who crave connection but never put themselves out there and end up stuck in a self-hating cycle, but Wallflower literally could've just been like that. She could still lash out at Sunset for being the main reason she had low self-esteem, but at least have her acknowledge her own part in her misery when it's something as blatant as deliberately making everyone forget about her and then getting mad that everyone forgot about her. I hate Wallflower so much.
  • As a kid watching this with social anxiety and struggling with my evny of someone else, but I really didn't understand the lession because when I appologized to people I went in knowing that some people might not forgive me and they didn't and I accepted it because I didn't need their permission to get closure, I had already started my healing journey when by the time I was 14, I knew better then that at that point. And when people offered me support I jumped at the chance as soon as it was offered in any capacity because I really did want to understand what I kept getting wrong about being friends with people and wanted another chance at being better. But as a dorky seven teen year old still really unsure of herself, I just didn't know exactly what about this character made me feel so...insecure about myself. How her representation of this filled me with dread and made me second guess myself about things like "is that really how people see me. I swear that can't be true right. I've gotten batter right? I'm talking to people, yea I have bad days where I lash out but not over not noticing me and not at strangers. And besides that's what I'm going to a doctor for so what gives? What am I doing wrong? Just tell me writers, what I'm doing wrong and I'll stop immediately. I just don't understand what you're saying to me? Should I really expect people to owe me an apology simply for not noticing me. That just feels wrong. I'm I being too harsh? Is there something I'm just not noticing with this character. Damn it do you hate me or not???" That's when I gave up on the shorts and the series in general. It just caused me too much stress to continue. Granted this was just a character on TV and I should have done a lot more to improve myself then just, looking at what the media said I should be like. I was a naive kid, what can I say.