I Paid Two Private Investigators To Follow Each Other


コメント (21)
  • I personally require the sit down session with both of them where you reveal the truths
  • I was expecting the 2 detectives ending up in an endless loop where they chase each other in a roundabout.
  • @sen7826
    "We both knew. Since we both were getting paid for doing nothing, we agreed."
  • I wonder if becoming a P.I. is just stalking behavior used for good?
  • Max in the next video: "I hired a paid assasin to try and kill me. What he doesn't know is that I hired a bodyguard as well. And during all of this I am surveilled by a private investigator who tries to make a selfi with all four of us in one frame."
  • While I agree that two investigators following each other in at the same time would be easily discoverable, I think that having 3 or 4 investigators following each other in a circular fashion would actually be fine, and would be even funnier.
  • You should hire 3 PI. Make them fall each other, so one doesnt notice hes being followed due to being distracted by following someone else. You could make a twist and make each PI try to figure out what the other PI is doing
  • Should've had them get on a group call and then revealed the photo. Just felt like there was no ending.
  • @lal12
    I was really disappointed of the ending. I totally expected inviting them in the same room (telling them beforehand that the other person already was told) and starting with "I made one of you follow the other" xD
  • Woulda be funny if they were both sitting in a restaurant and just waiting for the other to leave for hours and hours
  • @quietveg
    the most disappointing end to a video I've ever seen in my life
  • I think you should've debriefed them both on what they had got themselves into - it would have been interesting seeing their reactions to being followed by eachother
  • @Joffe.
    Next you should create a chain of private investigators where they each follow eachother in an order at the same time. There shouldn’t be a problem because no one is looking for the same person
  • Excellent clickbait. I don't even know who you are and I instantly subscribed. Well played, sir.
  • I really wanted to see the two PIs following each other at the same time. While they probably would have figured each other out pretty quickly, I think it would have been a pretty funny interaction. Though I'm not sure how you'd capture this for a YouTube video. Only way I can think of is having the PIs self-record their own process, and I'm guessing they probably would not want to do that.
  • I never thought I'd see a person stalking a private investigator who is stalking a private investigator which is stalking the other
  • Them being in the same management acting like they dont know, and just get a chunk of money from max, is brilliant.
  • @MystiaAren
    He didn't, he fucking did it, HE FUCKING DID IT
  • Can’t wait for the sequel where you hire a third private investigator!