Why having an Existential Crisis is completely normal (and even necessary)


コメント (21)
  • Story of my life. It first hit me like a thunderbolt at 19. The existential dread, the awareness that one day ill just stop existing. That everything I do is in vain. It somehow subsided but now that I'm 26 it has returned. My grandma died recently in my arms. I saw her take her last breath as I was frantically trying to give her cpr. The shock, helplessness, fear, and grief I felt and am still feeling is beyond anything I've ever experienced. Now I'm stuck with all these anxious, nihilistic thoughts. If only I were religious! Faith would most likely provide a sense of comfort, security and relief...
  • Hey, I just wanted to give you all some hope. I know that If you are looking in the comments just like I was several weeks ago, it’s probably because you want to hear stories about recovery. It developped existential depression And it did not last long. Only a few weeks. It goes away. Weather because your brain just gets used to it so it kind of no longer pays attention to that or other way. Know that if your existential dread is accompanied by generalized anxiety or panic attack it is not something that you just have to endure, I didn’t. I saw a therapist who made me take some pills for the anxiety thing and when I found myself going better I could work on the existential thoughts more clearly. This is mental health issues. Existential questioning is okay and thinking about it a lot is also okay. Whereas going insane about it is not. Seek help . It’s the best thing that I did. I am now fully ok
  • @waggytail289
    My existential anxiety is gradually transforming into a comedy show. I've started to laugh out loud when I observe myself within this absurdly tragic/hilarious world. My pain becomes a tickle for a brief moment and I experience a release from the grip of the matrix. Thank you for your encouraging videos. Joe. UK.
  • I’m a recent retiree who has been looking forward to retirement for so long. This is the life I’ve always wanted for myself but suddenly I’m having panic attacks all the time and out of the blue. It makes no sense.
  • i just started experiencing dpdr for the first time ever and then a couple months later the existential ocd/thoughts started coming. now im stuck in this cycle of anxiety over the fact that i exist. i feel so disconnected from myself and cannot even look at the sky without having anxiety. it's ruining my life.
  • I even had my first existential crisis when I was 9 or 10. I felt weird like, "How did I exist, why did I exist? etc"
  • the problem with this wholesome interpretation of mental illness is that some people don't recover. my father committed suicide because of severe anxiety and depression. i've been ill for the last thirteen years and it's completely wiped out everything i ever cared about or enjoyed. it's consumed the best years of my life and it's really difficult to see any good in it.
  • Wow, great video and very helpful, thank you so much. I am in an existential crisis(57 yo M), and it helps so much to know that its normal and even neccessary to make spiritual progress, so I can practice acceptance and let go of the resistance and stop the negative focus! You are wonderful and amazing! Other videos I watched helped so little, yours helps a lot. I think you were a great bodhisattva in your last lifetime and in this one too!!
  • I contacted Robin recently after suffering from DPDR / Existential OCD and have started working through her Recovery Course. It has helped calm my thoughts a lot (along with medication) and she is so sweet & responsive. I highly recommend to anyone who is suffering.
  • Going thru it right now! And have been for the past few months... im only 17 and its extremly scary of course and all the feeling you describe I feel the same. I do feel like im maling progress but its really, rrally slow 🥺 what helps a lot is to thing that im made of like universe dust, a port of this beautiful world im able to enjoy! I actually feel dread the most when things are mediocer- like borong for example. It just hard not to thing that when im bored in class and just not enjoying life...
  • I appreciate you describing this in a way that can be comprehended. I have been scared for a bit and now getting to a place when I feel I’m feeling better. To hear that this is normal… Thank you so much.
  • I cried, thank you. I felt a slight relieve that my emotions are okay
  • Hello!!! Thank you for making this video. I’m in a space where I am grounded within myself again. I still have times throughout the day where the realizations- which is scary And raise my anxiety just a little. Then it goes away. I went through this when I was DP/DR. Scariest time of my life. Then those thoughts came. I am able to look at the stars again and enjoy the morning sun in admiration and amazement again.
  • Explaining an existential crisis as a part of a dialectical process realy makes dealing with it easier. You are truly a philosophical mind for coming up with such an arument.
  • Thank you SO much Robin! I needed to hear this. I am in the pit right now, wondering what's wrong with me. Wondering if it will ever end. This video sheds light on my situation and that I can overcome it. Thank you and God Bless you!
  • It’s a very good video. I think that you have used great words selection and lots of tact with the subject. Thank you very much helping on this crazy thing called life ❤
  • Yes to all you are sharing, you have an understanding of the E.C. experience that will help others! Positive thoughts for your message reaching an ever increasing audience!... Love to the Lonely Hope to the helpless Gratitude to you in sharing your presence !
  • Video couldn’t have come at a better time, thank you ! Been dealing with this these past few weeks.
  • Hello mam I'm suffering from existencial crisis a lot. I have questions like Why do i live on earth, Why only earth? Why not venus mercury etc.. I think I'm stuck, but surely ill recover but ..i need some support I just want to be a normal human being🥺 that's it I just want to live the life i want to with my parents I feel some sort of relief when i watch your video but after some time the same cycle continues. I wish i recover soon from this and this anxiety too. Thank you. Stay strong friends. We are not alone.