Boule de neige


Hello, I did my first cartridge.
Better with controllers.

This game is a 2 player snowball fight. The 2 players are separated by a river, the game end when a player without shield is hit once, when a game finish a new game start automatically. Use ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️ to move, 🅾️ to shoot. Players start with 5 ammo and gain 5 other when they pick up an ammo bonus. If a player is on a pile of snow, he can use ❎ to build a snowman, this take 0.5 second without move or shoot and the snowman's body (not head) block the way of player but he block the way of 20 snowball before breaking down. Each 3 seconds, a bonus fall along the river, hit it for gain it, there is 3 kinds of bonus:
-Shield bonus, it give a shield who protect from a snowball, players can keep 5 shields.
-Speed bonus, speed up player during 4 seconds.
-Bullet speed bonus, speed up player's bullets during 3 seconds.

20/04 Fixed collision
Shields now work on first player
Randomized spawnpoint

06/10 Speed bonus is more visible
Ehanced collisions
Building snowman is simpler
Camera no more move at the end of games
The characters are no more animated when they don't move
At each game the winner get a crown
I'm doing a main menu and a settings menu
You can change the maximum shield each character can have
You can switch X/O for each character

14/11 Snowmans finally works (until the next change I did of course)
I fixed some other bugs