
Publicado 2023-06-12

This is a PICO-8 game, which I made during Basic Shmup Showcase event organised by Lazy Devs Academy.

You can play it here and on https://beetrootpaul.itch.io/dart-07 .

⚠️ Please be aware this game is under development. Mission 1 is complete and ready to play, but you enter missions 2 and 3 on your own risk 😄

If you want to take a look at the codebase, please visit https://github.com/beetrootpaul/dart-07 (the code inside PICO-8 carts of this game is minified, therefore not suitable for reading).


Virtual controller (in browser, on a mobile device):

Physical game controllers are supposed to work as well, even in a browser. Button mapping varies between models.

Your task is to pilot Dart-07 unit in a set of secret missions of increasing difficulty:

Destroy enemies along the way to increase your score, grab power-ups left by them and survive a boss fight in order to complete a mission.

There are 5 types of power-ups you can grab, each of them either makes your life easier or, if cannot improve further, increases your score:

In your HUD you see:

In this game I focused on learning various bits of PICO-8 API.

Some of the topics I tackled in this game are:

I implemented this game on my own, as well as drew all sprites and composed all SFXs and music. But there are some resources I found super useful and used some of them I used in the codebase as well. With huge thanks, here are those: