Graphing Calculator

Published 2005-03-05

This is three graphing calculators in one.

Function: A normal graphing calculator not unlike the kind that you find in a TI-83. It allows you to graph most functions in the form of y=.

Relation: A type of graphing calculator that can graph almost any kind of function; In this type of graphing calculator, the formula you are trying to graph doesn't have to be a function (obey the vertical-line rule) or be in y= form. Be aware though, that with high increment and line width settings this calculator can really slow down your computer.

Polar: This graphing calculator graphs functions on the polar coordinate system, where an ordered point consists of an angle and a directed distance (radius). Functions are in the form R=.

If there is any more information that you need, there is a good help section that can be reached by pressing the 'menu' button in the middle of each calculators' equation bar. These calculators can all utilize trigonometric functions such as sine(put s before value) cosine(put c) tangent (put t) and logarithm(put l). hope you all enjoy it! Any constructive criticism will be happily accepted.