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Naughty Goat Farm

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Naughty Goat Farmの説明

Naughty Goat Farm is a 2 Acre Permaculture property located on the Border of Queensland and New South Wales Australia. It is approximatly 7km from Goondiwindi Queensland. We make goat milk soap for sale and we also produce vegetables for our own use and sale using permaculture principles. We also grow produce using Aquaponics and raised wicking garden beds. Some of the animals we keep on the property are goats (for milk to make the soap), Chickens (in chicken tractors for eggs) and Geese (to help mow and fertilise the lawn around the house). We also share our farm with 2 cats named Persha and Aladdin and 2 dogs names Bear and Milly. I hope you enjoy watching our videos. If you would like to purchase any of our products you can visit

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