In Event of Moon Disaster - FULL FILM

Published 2020-07-20

In July 1969, much of the world celebrated the “giant leap for mankind” that the successful moon landing constituted. In 2020, nothing is quite so straightforward. In Event of Moon Disaster illustrates the possibilities of deepfake technologies by reimagining this seminal event.

What if the Apollo 11 mission had gone wrong and the astronauts had not been able to return home? A contingency speech for this possibility was prepared, but never delivered by President Nixon – until now. The immersive project invites you into this alternative history and asks us all to consider how new technologies can bend, redirect and obfuscate the truth around us.

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All Comments (21)
  • @brunoclement123
    The Nixon deepfake with the alternate speech gives me chills and almost makes me cry. Very unnerving.
  • @KaiKostack
    This is actually really good, no artifacts or anything visible. Most of the people complaining here would have fallen for it without foreknowledge.
  • @caseyhamm4292
    ‘they will be mourned by a mother earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown’ this is hauntingly powerful. bungie wishes they’d hired bill safire as a writer
  • @xygomorphic44
    Fun fact, the single ascent engine (the engine that needed to fire to get Neil and Buzz off the moon) was hypergolic and used super corrosive propellants. This meant that the engine could only be fired once and then it was destroyed. It could not be tested before the mission. If that engine failed, there was no "plan B" and those two men would have been stranded on the moon until the oxygen ran out. Nothing about the mission was certain. They had to completely trust the designers and the technicians who put them together.
  • @Chip4576
    Dang. It’s one thing to read the unused speech on paper, but to see it realized so realistically is chilling.
  • William Safire wrote a very good speech. Even though we know the astronauts actually returned home safely, the thought of them remaining on the moon to rest in peace put a little dust in my eyes. Well done to the team who put this video together and well done to William Safire for a speech that thankfully never needed to be used.
  • My favorite part of this is Nixon's voice, albeit robotic, is still shaky with emotion and his body language also matches. It's chilling to watch.
  • @AlexAngelliux
    This video is... terrifying. The only thing preventing it's scenario from becoming undeniably realistic is Nixon's voice being a bit jumpy and flat.
  • @dannymarree
    Insane! If they fix the audio some more it will almost unrecognizable.
  • Man, not even Orwell predicted this kind of ability to rewrite history…
  • @regentwaynekerr
    Poor Michael Collins man. He would've had to make that long trip home while grieving his fellow crew members
  • @PaladinOfNerds
    The crackling of the A.I. doing the voice actually makes it hit a little harder cause it sounds like he's choking up from sadness.
  • @Hehj
    The only criticism I have of this is the decision to go with Armstrong and Aldrin crash landing on the moon. Nixon's "In Event of Moon Disaster" speech was clearly intended for a scenario where the Eagle's ascent stage failed, leaving the men completely stranded on the moon, waiting for their life support systems to completely run out. The Safire memo containing the speech explicitly refers to the astronauts' "widows-to-be" being contacted prior to the speech. Cutting the film to show a crash instead loses part of the speech's haunting quality.
  • @rsstnnr76
    Everyone should be terrified at how this technology will be used.
  • @boss_boy_
    I'm not sure if anyone's already said this, but the astronauts reading of the errors at 3:44 is actually real. Luckily, the error was caused by the computer running out of memory, but for a brief moment, the possibility of Neil not returning from the white dust bunny was in serious consideration. What bugs me more is that no one at mission control had the book that describes these errors in more detail at hand; they had to get someone to fetch it.
  • @seal8900
    Imagine that, just being stuck and thinking “this is where I die, looking at earth from the moon, no hope of getting back” you slowly lose consciousness and the last thing you see is the earth, the last thing you hear is people on earth attempting to keep you calm, the last thing you think of is how millions are watching you die
  • @Eastwyrm
    Thankfully Nixon never had to make this speech
  • If I remember right, this speech was more for a scenario in which the "eagle" had a fuel leak and could not lift off again to reach the third astronaut in orbit around the moon, thus, there was "no hope for recovery" of the astronauts who would have to stay on the surface until the oxygen ran out.
  • Imagine knowing that you are trapped on the moon...knowing your death is imminent, watching your planet fade away as you run out of oxygen...I think i would just remove my helmet