Surviving The Total Wipeout Challenge...

Published 2022-05-25
That's right ladies and gents. No. Just ladies. This following description is only to be read by ladies.

This is another classic Tom Simons vlog, where me and [FRIENDS] have a lot of fun. We went to Amsterdam just for this one. Just for you. Just for you we went to Amsterdam. I love you

Do you want to see more of me? Really? You do? Oh dearest female reader that means a lot. It truly does.

You can find more Tom Simons content HERE:
my Twitter - @tomsimons (I will be posting little preview moments from vlogs. Rarely. Because I forget a lot)
my Twitch - .tv/tommyinnit (Don't worry. I never stream)
my Instagram - @tommyinnit (Okay, I actually post here)
my- I think that's it. Does TikTok count? No. No. No. TikTok does not count.

Thank you for reading this, ladies. Unless you're the girl from the lift the other day that when I said "cool hoodie!" you chose to ignore me and just leave the lift. That was not cool.

This video was edited by @elodiegif on Twitter. Check her out as this video had like 20 cameras so it must have been a rough week or two

All Comments (21)
  • I love it when tubbo's random athleticism is suddenly remembered and means he is effortlessly good at the wierdest things
  • @oli_iii
    Everyone else: YEAAAH GO Tubbo: absolute silence except for when he laughs and when it's Phil's turn
  • Charlie: if I get hit I instantly die (A few seconds later) Charlie: TAKE ME TO GOD! Smack
  • @Local_Simp.
    12:00 Wilbur: “Phil don’t think about the fact you’re middle aged” Phil: Stands There Charlie: “Phil you’re my diamond shovel, don’t break” Phil: Continues To Stand There Tommy: “Phil look a baby Zombie” Phil: AH runs
  • Charlie: “I don’t see what’s so hard about this” Also Charlie: immediately gets tossed around and thrown into the water
  • I feel like Wipeout is the pinnacle of kids shows where people dislocate every bone in their body.
  • The great thing about this is that Charlie has said he likes being thrown around like a ragdoll so he probably had so much fun with this
  • Everyone: "You got this Phil!" Phil: stands there Tommy: "Oh look Phil, a baby zombie" Phil: proceeds to run and scream
  • @hvanta_
    Tommy: Pain Charlie: actually trying to win and be funny Wilbur: struggling to be elegant (fails) Philza: majestically dies in middle age Tubbo: our poor freezing ballerina tank boy
  • @cvpidlavv
    can we take a moment to appreciate charlies humor? i was laughing so hard i spat out my water 😭
  • @StarIsBestttt
    Charlie is the awkward but incredibly funny second cousin at a family reunion. And 4:24 EL BACKFLIPO!!!!!
  • Tommy: Flopping Philza: Dying middle aged man Charlie: Actually doing good Tubbo: Dies Wilbur: is hard
  • Charlie: "I don't see what's so hard about this" Also Charlie: immediately eats shit
  • 19:11 that looked SO PAINFULL I'm so glad he's okay- for most people that would've ended up with a broken nose-
  • @folkuey_artster
    The difference between Charlie’s swimming (3:44) and Wilbur’s swimming (8:00) is actually really interesting! I didn’t know that Charlie was on a swim team when I first watched this but looking back it makes a lot of sense tbh (also he does parkour?? so it also makes sense why he did so well)
  • @G4meFury
    Wilbur: having chaotic older brother energy. Tommy: having chaotic younger brother energy. Philza: having chaotic dad energy. Tubbo: Having chaotic weird neighbor kid energy. Charlie:… Charlie;.. is being Charlie.
  • @meowmix3685
    I honestly love how the whole time that everyone is cheering, Tubbo is just casually standing there watching
  • 1:29 this entire interaction and then Charlie going “am I a frog?” is killing me and I’ve barely started the video 🤣🤣
  • @thedyingmeme6
    Charlie saying "This doesn't look hard." And instantly getting one-two'd is ons of the funniest things ive seen Edit: holy shit the most likes I've ever gotten