Nigel Farage to Gina Miller 'What part of leave don't you understand?' BBC News

Published 2016-11-06

All Comments (21)
  • Gina Miller represents everything I voted against. I want to leave the E.U. If the government won’t obey the will of the people, then why should the people obey the rules of government. The contract is being broken. Think about that.
  • @simeon2851
    We all know that wasn't "her money" she used. She was a proxy.
  • @jk3838
    Cannot believe it’s four years on from this interview and we still haven’t agreed under what terms we are leaving
  • I have met this woman before and I can honestly say that I would not like to meet her again.. she is a very rude person.
  • @wshtb
    What's the point of voting on a ballot again?
  • @ratours9531
    They will laugh at Farage but will take the Kardashians seriously. That's how back to front this world is.
  • @Spookychris01
    She says she's not a politician, but she's involved with politics. So derrr. Interfering bored housewife needs to clear off and mind her own business. Wonder who paid her off to stir up trouble?
  • @gdfggggg
    Great point by Nigel: She is basing her argument on upholding British parliamentary 'sovereignty' yet she's pro remain which of course is not British nor is it sovereign. Apparently she was nearly sick when the country voted leave. This is fishier than hat full of badgers!
  • @peterg957
    When the UK leaves the EU maybe Gina Miller should leave too...
  • @NB-nk1qy
    She just talks out of her backside!!! Now in December 2019, point proved! Congratulations on your win Boris and UK electorate
  • Is Gina Miller going to America to challenge their election result, because they voted for it?
  • @notrut
    Her OWN money ...???? $oro$ money Mr Marr.
  • @MattBiden
    Get a minority woman to do this and call everyone racist who doesn't agree.
  • @bensho2212
    So Gina Miller had absolutely no problem with the profoundly anti-democratic EU but does have a problem with the procedure for withdrawing from the EU! It is hard to imagine a more disingenuous individual.
  • @huwjanus
    "I'm not a politician" - So what makes you think that having an excess of money gives you the right to change our political structure without a democratic vote? Unless of course you don't actually believe in Democracy, in which case the door is behind you.
  • @Bamacher59
    I’m from the US watching this she reminds me of OAC here in the US