What Kind of Witch Are You? || Nine Types of Witches || Witchcraft 101

Published 2019-03-09
Hey guys thank you so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed this video and I can't wait to see you again!

This is a video discussing some of the most common types of witches out there! I believe that when starting your path to your craft it is important to understand some of the different categories of practitioners you commonly run into as it can be a wonderful jumping off point if you are curious about certain forms of magick or find yourself drawn to a certain way of practicing.

Types of witches discussed:
Kitchen Witch
Hedge Witch
Cosmic Witch
Green Witch
Sea Witch
Elemental Witch
Solitary Witch
Wiccan Traditions Witch (Gardnerian witches, Alexandrian witches, Dianic witches, and more)
Eclectic Witch

All-Star Trio - Oh! By Jingo!
Don’t Leave Me, Daddy – Marion Harris
My Pillow And Me – Lizzie Miles
The Alcoholic Blues – Vernon Dalhart
Chinese Blues - Moore and Gardner
James Scott – Frog Legs Rag

All Comments (21)
  • When she was talking about elemental all I could think was: and everything changed when the fire witches attacked
  • @sami61717
    I am a very new baby witch, this is the beginning of my research, and hearing the "you may not even choose a direct path" made me ease and I appreciate so much that you assured all of us that
  • @stacyrosa6672
    Although I am delighted and excited that so many are starting their Spiritual journey with Witchcraft. I'm 60 years old, and have been a practicing witch for 47 years. I've dabbled in every genre of the craft, focusing on different specialty areas depending on what was going on in my life at the time. In my current lifetime, Witchcraft has drawn a lot of attention, both positive and negative. It is now the fastest growing Spiritual practice in the world. This is where my concern about the many LABELS being put on the multitude of focus areas folks are studying. I hate to see us fall prey to the divisiveness created by these labels. It reminds me of the many denominations of Christians, like Catholics, Baptists, Jehovas Wittness, Methodists, Mormans...etcetera. These labels have done more harm to the community of the "Church" than good. I prefer not to limit myself with a label, and as you mentioned, Witchcraft is a Spiritual practice as opposed to a religion. I am a Witch. That's enough of a label to serve my purposes.
  • @eliesforest497
    My parents have no idea I’m a witch yet my room is filled with pentagrams crystals and weird things I found in the woods
  • @chiaraabril8024
    I'm new in magick, but I'm studying to become a green witch and in the future a kitchen witch. I love watching your videos, keep it up 💖🌌
  • I am an Eclectic Solitary Witch. I center on crystals, stones, sun, moon, nature, color, candles, aromas, and empathic practices.
  • @-suguru-
    I never understood the term "Hedge witch", but with your explanation, I realised I was actually one of them. Thank you!
  • Personally I love to use the term Tea Witch. I use tea to fix everything, physical and spiritual and am learning how to make my own tea blends. I also love my tarot cards, crystals and candles ♥️
  • @arielblueiscool
    I love how everyone in the comment section is so nice, understanding and supportive. 💜
  • @iliveforzelda
    Currently I feel "Cottage Witch" describes my practice best, its a mixture of Green witchcraft and House witchcraft! 😊
  • @nothanks7108
    I feel like I'm definitely a solitary eclectic witch. I've always liked the idea of not being tied down to a specific label/path in witchcraft. I like to create, whether that be new spells, or something more practical, like a new song. And one of my sayings has always been, if you can't see any other options, make your own option.
  • Hi, I just stumbled on this video. I am a hereditary witch, one of the few families of witches, that escaped the witch hunt in Germany. I was taught the craft by my mother's side of the family. I use music in my craft, rhyme my spells or sing old ones, like the merseburger zaubersprüche(2 spells, one against PTSD and the other for sprayed horses ankles, they're the oldest spells still in existence.) I majored my school with a paper about alchemy, grow succulents, my familiar is a bunny and my spirit animal is a European Robin. My main focus are handcrafted Items like woven carpets, knitted clothes, sewn purses, drawn tarot cards, crafted Charms and charm/Herb bags. But my main focus are crystals.
  • @-paracxm3-398
    I honestly feel like a mix of Kitchen witch, Cosmic witch, green witch, music witch, and I am solitary witch. ( I am also Christian)
  • New baby witch here! So I just started my research and found your channel. It's already very helpful :) When I was 15 or so I wanted to become a marine biologist since I've always been fascinated by the oceans and seas. In two years I'll hopefully start my Master in Marine Biology, so when you mentiond the Sea Witch I gasped! :D
  • I don’t feel the need to label myself at the moment because I’m all over the place but your definition of eclectic witch is fitting for me. I dabble in all of it and am learning what I love. Very drawn to nature, especially trees and the ocean, herbs, spirits, divination. I just found your channel today and wasn’t really aware that all of my interests throughout my life are leading me down the witchcraft path. Pretty cool!
  • @MysticDreamer96
    Music Witches: Stevie Nicks, Florence Welch, Maggie Rogers, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, FKA Twigs, BANKS, Azealia Banks, Grimes there’s way more! Who else can you guys think of
  • @marieloup6691
    I wanna start witchcraft but I don’t know where to look at for indications and informations.
  • I am a Mexican American non practicing catholic who is very disillusioned with religion in general. Witchcraft is something I have been interested in since I was a child (I idolized Morticia Adams growing up). I feel like I actually come from a long line of kitchen witches. Both my grandmother and my mother always worked magic in the kitchen, I personally have always felt comfortable in front of the stove and with wooden spoon, bowls and herbs. I am probably going to start my path as a kitchen/ green witch. Thank you for your channel , it’s been so helpful to me!
  • @gydeoneal7707
    This was SOOO helpful! I've always felt so drawn to water. Lakes, Rives, Oceans! I've collected sand, shells, and even bones of dead water mammals not knowing why! I'm a Sea Witch! I feel so drained being land locked [lived in Oklahoma] but as soon as I moved back to the Gulf Coast I felt alive! It all makes sense! Amazing! Thank You!