Why Aren't We Talking about Project 2025 Instead of Biden's Age? | The Coffee Klatch w/ Robert Reich

Published 2024-07-13
Biden's press conference. Next week's RNC. Trump's VP pick. Project 2025. There's a lot going on.

Heather Lofthouse of @imcivicaction and I break things down on this week's Coffee Klatch. Please pour yourself a cup and join us.

All Comments (21)
  • Project 2025 should be broken down in detail in a way that all Americans comprehend what is at stake.
  • This independent is voting Biden.
  • @TysonQuick
    Lifelong Republican voting for Biden. Trump has gone too far
  • @tracyhue23
    My 15 year old spent almost a week with his grandparents and he actually told them about project 2025. They hadn’t heard of it. They do vote republican because they always have. 😢 From Biden’s Michigan speech yesterday, I agree that politics is not an entertainment outlet and should not be treated as such. The more pole reporting I hear the more I envision a horse race. As a country we have come to expect showmanship because of people like Trump. He’s sucked the substance out of politics and made all performative, hence why nothing is getting done. If those of us who vote for people like that behaved like they do at work, we’d be fired. Always, always research the candidates and where they stand. Base your decisions on that. Not just how bombastic they are.
  • @hapwyatt4550
    This Independent is voting Biden.💙 Biden is a proven winner on Domestic and Foreign Policy! Biden's character is deeply civic and faith grounded.
  • Thie is why there should not be any big money in politics. Our President should not be held to ransom. We voted for him to be our President and he is more obligated to us than to any donor.
  • Better vote Blue before your great grandchildren have to ask ;" What's an election???... Or even worse".... What's a president???😮
  • Why aren’t we talking about 2025? Because a lot of people aren’t aware of what it is about.
  • The corporate media is so focused on trivial things and is make-believe that they "show both sides " bullsh*t
  • @msvulcanspock
    Answer = The media The New York Times has written 196 articles about Biden's mental decline, whilst Trump has had a handful written on him. David Cay Johnston has been discussing this disparity in coverage going back to Clinton having background articles on her and the fact Trump hasn't been subjected to the same scrutiny.
  • What, did the Democrats think when Biden got nominated in the first place that he wasn't going to age? I mean, yeah, that's 20/20 hindsight, but come ON now! Biden doesn't worry me, but all the negative vibes being projected at him do.
  • @alanfike
    In our 80s, we aren't expected to have quick answers. We're expected to have correct answers.
  • Repeat the following any time someone brings up Biden being old and dotty: One old man wants to keep democracy. The other old man doesn't. Everything else is irrelevant.
  • @Mach11976
    I stumbled across P-25 in late October last year, took the time to read it. I was taken back by the extreme rhetoric, I'm also a Navy veteran with many veteran friends and they were shocked by it. In the end this election comes down to, Do you still want your rights? And how can trump if elected be trusted with the Football and our lives. That's scary!
  • Let's also talk about how absurd our election process is. Elections have become a continuous never ending spectacle that only serves the rich and powerful.