How I Wrote a Song With the Number Pi

The story behind my pi song, the video that kickstarted my channel.
Pi Song sheet music:…
Check out Daniel Cumerrow's version and other musical pi interpretations here:
Check out The Joy of Pi by David Blatner here:
And check out the research paper here:

My sheet music:…

コメント (21)
  • If pi goes on forever, making a song with pi has every song ever made, and ever will be made.
  • “Nooo you can’t just make music out of a number that’s stupid!!!” “Haha number go brr brr”
  • Why did it take me until June 3, 2020 to learn that Pi is representative of how many times a circle’s diameter fits into its circumference?
  • 15:39 he calculated some digits while staying home during a plague? So maybe the next great discovery is near because a mathematician gets bored during the new disease xD
  • @pan6846
    Piano, “Pi” and “ano” Pi as in the number and then ano is what Japanese people say when they’re about to say something at the top of their tongue.. a song that never ends.. music played from the piano, infinite and the words delivered into the fingertips and pressured upon the piano.
  • @aykasu
    OMG AFTER 9 YEARS HE UPLOAD THIS? I FROM RECOMENDATION KNOW YOU xD i only now watch this video Its very cofusing...
  • You got a pretty cool physics teacher having a party on pi day
  • Thanks so much for the music sheet. My niece was born on March 14. I will set a goal to play this for her as a present.
  • @Reinminer
    Your pi song video was one of the first ones that made me think "my brother would have loved this!" since he had only just started to turn math into an art/music video
  • It's wierd to think that this song will never end. Like you expect for an end or a climsx, but it just keeps going...
  • 20 seconds in and he already explained more about pi than most of my teachers, that being what it actually is
  • The fact that he started this just amazes me! Keep up the work, you are my biggest inspiration.
  • @41A2E
    13:24 If i did my math correctly, the most precise definition of Pi that would ever be necessary is about 60 digits, which goes down to the planck length.