Things I didn't Expect HRT to Change - MtF transgender

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コメント (21)
  • I'm two years into HRT now and it's been quite a ride. Clothing: I don't always buy new. I bought much of my wardrobe at thrift stores. Some items were hand-me-downs from my mom. I only buy new if I absolutely need to. Makeup: Why is it so expensive? There's no reason for makeup to be expensive. Thankfully, I work in a major chain drugstore and get 20% off for working there, so I don't pay as much for my makeup. Beats going to Ulta, which is overpriced. Mood and emotions: I have far more access to more emotions than I did when I ran on testosterone. I cry more often than I did before. Highs are higher and lows are lower. The time has gone by very quick since I started transitioning two years ago. Estrogen and spironolactone have saved my life. They've done far more for me than anything else ever did.
  • "You're not going to look like a Victoria's Secret model," she says, while looking like a model. XD <333
  • 14 months on HRT. I expected the emotion stuff.. I expected the loss of strength and the weird food cravings, the change in taste buyds, I expected the scent changes.. both the sense of smell and what I smell like.. and the sweating less.. what I did NOT expect was how much boobs sweat! It seems they picked upp ALL the slack when the rest of the body reduced the sweating. I mean god DAMN these things can sweat! Haven't had bottom surgery yet but yea my libido has shifted from low to gone. Oh well.
  • I didn’t start to transition until I was 41. I’ve been through a lot of changes as well since I’ve been on hrt since March of last year. I’m much happier now. I love your videos
  • Mathilda , my father yelling at me for 1 hours because of i am watching your videos I am really so sick of his transphobia , he is like you are gonna be dead if u don't stop wanting to look like that thing to me, I am really so sorry to send this comment but there is no one that I can talk to . Maybe someone lives similiar things can find me thanks to that comment .
  • I put off transitioning for a long time because of the fallout from other people, namely family. In the end my reasoning was better a trans daughter than a dead son. Sorry for the grim. Anyways I've been on HRT since 26/5/2021 and have had some wonderful changes xx
  • @Riel_Rami
    I'm watching to see what my girlfriend will go through once she begins her transition and how I can support. Very useful video. 👌
  • My first time shopping for makeup, I went to Ulta. It was busy. I took my stuff and got in Iine. I got to the register and the girl rang me up. I looked at the total and said “who knew being a girl was so expensive!”. All the women in line laughed. 😂
  • 15 months on hrt. Something else to note is the speed can be very different. I have a trans friend that changed drastically within her first few months, but then started to change slowly. On the other hand, I started off slow but continued to make progress as time went on. Never look at timelines and expect to be a certain place at a certain time. Instead, understand it may take a while and just be happy if you change faster than expected
  • Hi, Mathilda. I'm Corey, and I just subscribed to your Chanel. I'm writing this message as I'm watching your video. I want to let you know that you have my total support. I want to let you know that I'm the kind of person who accepts other people for who they are deep inside, because I know what it's like to be different, because I have a disability physically. And my disability does make me different. But, I got through the rough times I had growing up. I was picked on a lot when I was growing up, because of me having a disability. Plus, i was born with a Cleft palette and lip, but I had good Drs who did every they could to help me. I wish you all the best with your YouTube Chanel, good luck with it. Corey. Corey Hansen from Canada.
  • @ColdBaltBlue
    I’m going the opposite direction as you (FTM), and while I expected just about all of the changes I’ve gone through in 3 years of HRT, I didn’t think I’d change to such a degree. My muscle and fat structure totally changed, I have nearly the voice I’ve always wanted to have, my facial structure is more defined, and I went from a C cup to an A cup. It’s incredible! Still gotta work on the beard growth patterns though, it doesn’t want to crawl past my neck yet.
  • Becoming the true u isn't cheap. Being female cost a lot of money. But I knew about everything u said.
  • Thank you for telling us more facts Mathilda! It helps me alot cause im also in htr, thanks a lot for everything you are amazing✨
  • Thanks a lot for your sharing all this, these past few months I've been watching your videos and you helped me a lot to undestand and accept a lot of things in my life, I finally accepted myself and I want to begin this important change in my life, even if my path is a bit different by your, your videos helped and encouraged me a lot, and I can really say in few month my life already improved a lot since I beginned to be and accept myself. You are a really nice person and are you helping a lot of us unsure on how a transition path works and everything, I hope your life will be happy and that your channel continues to help as many people as it is doing for me!
  • from my experience im so glad it wasnt hard for the people around me to accept the changes that I did, I still hangout with friends that I met more than 10 years ago, Im so grateful for that Also, there are a couple more changes u didnt mention that are worth mentioning, without realizing u will change the way u walk, like a woman which is such a subtle but noticeable change when u are walking down the streets, another weird change is the way u smell other men, like maybe its just me but depending on the situation I get turned on by smelling a guy either bc hes sweaty (without being too dirty) or he just smells good.
  • @afss5558
    your videos are helping me so much with giving me information that I need and gain the courage to begin the transition and tell everybody what I truly am. Sometimes I dont accept myself and you are being so much important to me
  • Your comment about how you have to remember that you're not suddenly going to change into a Victoria's Secret model or something is very good advice. I'm a transmasc person and when I went through puberty the first time (with my AFAB girl hormones), I had this idea that I was going to end up looking like a supermodel. Was disappointed to find out that post-puberty me looked just like pre-puberty me, except like 2 inches taller, with a big butt and cellulite and free trip to the 5th circle of hell for a week every month. 😕 Now that I'm just starting puberty for the 2nd time (today 11/02/2022 it's been 11 days since my first testosterone shot!), I'm a little older and can manage my expectations a little better and realize I'm probably not gonna emerge from boy puberty looking like a bodybuilder either!
  • My sense of smell and my personal scent changed SO much. And my libido is through the damn roof. Those were the biggest changes for me I wasn’t expecting!
  • There were a lot of things I expected from HRT, but expecting them and living them are 2 entirely different things! So far, everything has been a surprise. I think the most shocking change was in my libido not because of how much less it is but because I experience those feelings differently and who I’m attracted to changed significantly. I didn’t realize how much of my attraction from before was gender envy.