What Is Truth? (Excerpt)

adyashanti.org/ - What is truth? It’s not just mere opinion. It’s not the next conditioned thought that runs through your mind. Adyashanti reveals how telling the truth is an essential part of embodying your deepest experience of being. He points to truth as a unifier and how your allowance to hear the truth is just as important as your dedication to speaking the truth.

Excerpted from the January 31, 2018 Broadcast, “Commitment to Truth and Love”:

Quotes from this Video:

“If you want an embodiment practice, if you want to embody your deepest experience of being, telling the truth is about as good and direct as it gets.”

“If you want to really start to embody some of your deepest realizations of being, start by telling the truth and tell it all the time.”

“Telling the truth is about being deeply and precisely honest. Telling the truth means being very open to having your truth change. Because someone else’s truth may inform you, you may learn something, it may alter what is true for you.”

“Truth is a unifier. It brings the forces of your psychology, your mind, your body, and your emotions together.”

コメント (21)
  • @dlaleggia
    if you can really understand what this man is saying, your life will never be the same.
  • What I continue to work on is this. Not to unload how "I" feel about the other, but to ask the truth in myself of "What has been triggered in me"....This to me is the deepest truth. The rest flows from how honest I am to myself. Great insight here for sure.
  • We can only tell the truth as much as we are self-aware. To make it even more challenging, as he alludes, truth is constantly changing both within us and outside.
  • @db-333
    Live with an authentic heart . Anything less is a false self.
  • Adya, a Zen master of the highest order; his pointings Always life enhancing. What an inspiration to hear pure truth.
  • @fzuzka
    It takes NO FEAR to tell the truth. It takes absolute TRUST to say it without doubt. It takes LOVE to say it in a way that doesn't harm you or anyone else. It happend to me. But I only had realised after it was out. I had no previous thinking about what to say. It was absolutely spontaneous. The people I was adressing were so silent after that. And so was I. And strangely enough I rememberd only the feeling of it. Not the words I said. Though, I wish I could do that on daily/momentary basis. Thats why I keep reminding myself about trust, love and no fear. 💗
  • When Adya asked "How can you embody the Enlightened condition without being honest" I burst out laughing immediately, It just hit the nail on the head for me concerning the topic, because I've been working with myself on this for a while now, and it's actually quite challenging, first and foremost probably because most of us don't really know the "certain truth" in just about anything, it's just a bunch of "opinions we have to make ourselves feel secure", or we're trying to be polite etc etc... Loved how he explained about truth being the unifying factor that otherwise quite literally divides our realities.. :)) Thank you a million! Namaste.
  • there is a thin line between telling the truth to other people and shutting up in the right moment because it would do more harm than help.
  • @hanji55
    This is a real embodiment practice I have experienced. It does not only keep you undivided and one at relative level but keeps taking you deeper and deeper into your beingness so simply beyond even subtlest of self agenda. I love Adya as his simple and honest presentation touches heart so deeply.
  • I need time to often know what is true for me, saying it in the moment is not always easy, though I suppose I could say in those moments "I need time to think about that and get back to you because I am not sure"
  • @lpthib
    This has me SMH!!!! It's coming at the perfect time and I'm scared to death to tell the truth... but I want to be realized more than I want to keep the truth secret~ I don't wanna be divided at all anymore...Thank you Adya <3
  • Another good strategy is to just shut up and enjoy the silence unless directly asked something lol.
  • In my experience beeing Present does not mean beeing honest all the time, though it generally means beeing kinder and more understanding. Everyone has their own unique Presence-Expression, which is what I like to call it, and it can be anything. Evil is not excluded, but happens more rarely and usually because there is a good reason for it. Look at the world - God does not resist evil. It is as much a part of Oneness, as anything else. Beeing present is just another expression of this form you are undoubtedly playing atm. At this moment you have the Ego-Expression and the Presence-Expression available to be played. To resist; or to not resist - This Moment.
  • @Shravaka1
    Within the space of tact and diplomacy the phrase: "that does not resonate" seems to work in offering the TRUTH of your opinion or position about most things... As for not telling the Truth, slightly shading words, or mildly manipulating a situation, these scenarios are simply demonstrative of egoist attachments and fixations we can learn from if we have refined a discernment or inquiry practice. The key for this to take place, and I LOVE the fact that Adya is the only one I know of who teaches this, is to embody "Sincerity". 🙏
  • Poor Snowden and Assange... They told the truth, and ended up with seeking refuge abroad. What a world we live in... Adyashanti is top, as always.
  • "Tell the Truth and you'll never have to remember"..........Abe Lincoln