15 Tips to Stop Ruminating and Get Out of Your Head

Published 2022-03-23
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through AllCEUs.com 15 Tips to Stop #rumination and #stopoverthinking Get Out of Your Head and Get On with Your Life. #CBT
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NOTE: ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

Intrusive Thoughts vs. Ruminations
Causes of Ruminations
15 Strategies to Address Ruminations
Ruminations are repetitive “thought cycles”
Some can be positive in valence (i.e. philosophy)
Bothersome ruminations tend to be negative and feel uncontrollable.
Treatment aims to
Notice and mindfully accept the thought instead of struggling with it
Develop tools to help the person feel empowered to break the thought cycle.

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

AllCEUs provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education.
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AllCEUs courses for counselor continuing education are accepted in most states because we are an approved education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions, the Australian Counselling Association, CRCC, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and more.

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes teaches adults how to use cognitive behavioral therapy tools for building resilience at work, among staff and in children.

Many of the skills in the videos are the same ones that are taought in a basic counselling course and can be used as a CBT therapist aid. CBT techniques are helpful tools for self counseling for major depressive disorder, anger management, confidence, self esteem, anxiety, abandonment issues, self improvement

Dr. Snipes' videos have been used by thousands for developing clinical skills for substance abuse counseling, cbt interventions for substance abuse, and skills needed for mental health counselor

00:00 Intro
0:10 Objectives
0:26 Intrusive Thoughts vs Rumination
9:05 Causes of Rumination
24:10 15 Strategies
54:17 Summa

All Comments (21)
  • @truthh8597
    15 Strategies- 1) Define your RML (Rich Meaningful Life) 2) Mindfully and nonjudgmentally notice and accept 3) Write it Down 4) Unhook 5) Evaluate the purpose of this self talk (safety and/or control, physical needs) 6) Create safety (trauma triggers) 7) Get the facts (not feelings or assumptions) Am I safe? Am I using cognitive distortions (mind reading, personalisation, magnification, catastrophizing) Is this a good use of my time and energy 8) Make time to ponder 9) Practice Forgiveness Self’s own mistakes and flaws Other’s mistakes and flaws 10) Practice Loving Kindness May your life be filled with peace, health and love 11) Guided Imagery Alternate script Urge surfing Support and safety Successful accomplishment (speech, asking someone on a date, exercise, waking up ‘happy’) 12) Thought Stopping 13) Mindfulness and grounding 14) Distract with activities 15) Get support
  • @Stardust475
    I've just started the video. I've noticed I ruminate on areas of my life where I didn't stand up for myself, in abusive relationships. Where I've been gullible and my lack of boundaries ( which no one taught). My own education in this area has brought on persistent ruminating on past injustices.
  • This is worth THOUSANDS of dollars of therapy. (I’m in individual therapy as well but this is so concise and helpful). Thank you so much for sharing this.
  • @kingfiona3344
    I love Doc snipes. You are so thorough, experienced, and a sweet spirit. God bless you. Your work is taking my two years of therapy to another level. I feel like every video is of course educational. For me, it’s like an extension/ extended therapy session with soooooooooo much healing, wisdom , knowledge, and value. THANK YOU. Thank you🙏🏾♥️
  • Sometimes the sheer pull of the negative thought loops are so strong (due to the severity of the injustice), you try to stay conscious but all of a sudden you're replaying inner arguments for 30 seconds again before you snap out of it. Very frustrating to feel powerless.
  • @roxiane
    I think this is the video that's going to change my life. Been suffering from what I thought were intrusive thoughts for years but turns out it had been uncontrolled rumination all along. Thank you!!
  • Thank you for creating this video. Today, I just spoke with a therapist about my ruminating thoughts. She gave me a couple of suggestions, but not as in depth as yours. I am going to try them because thinking about the same thing daily over and over again is wearing me out.
  • Dr. Snipes, colleague here and it just doesn’t feel right stopping by without telling you how wonderful you and your channel are. Stellar information, endearing personality, sense-of-humor and wit…I mean it just isn’t possible to exceed top-caliber! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • @danab172
    My therapist recommended your channel. You definitely have a generous amount of supportive information. I was wondering though, if you could do an accompanying video on "maladaptive daydreaming" and imagined conversations with people you know.
  • Wow, really amazing talk... I cried to what you where saying, it was a relief because I didn't know what was happing to me & these overwhelming thoughts that keep repeating. Your right about trying to tune out of those negative memories or thoughts, it is most relaxing. Thank you soooo much for helping me! 🙏🏻👍💯😎
  • This has been a lifeline for me. I am a decade and some suffered of C-PTSD and Chronic Depression and WOW did I need this information right now. I am feeling controlled by my thoughts and Im suffering! Writing flashcards to keep on deck so I can remind myself of your 15 Strats! Thank you so much 🎉
  • I’ve tried several different psychologists and never continue because I feel they can’t relate and don’t understand this, but you explain it perfectly. You should consider building a community, maybe group therapy to help with these issues. Thank you for this lecture!
  • I was catastrophizing this week. My bunny was sick and I worried for her mortality. I finally got her to the vet and they seemed like it was easily treated.
  • @rwdchannel2901
    I'd have to remind myself the narcissist just wants supply and ruminating is in a way giving it to them on a telepathic level because they will just say things to try and get in my head and cause anger, sleep deprivation and other health issues. I know if I can not give them any of those problems in my life it cuts them off. I've shown up to work the next day after a toxic person said something to upset me and when they saw me looking well rested and happy I could see the anger on their face because they knew their attempt to get me ruminating on what they did failed. Also, after watching your video I'd say alternative script is really important because if you have time to be ruminating at work over something negative you might as well create a positive list of things to ruminate about. This counter rumination will east a lot of tension and bring back focus on what's important.
  • Omg thank you so much I could not deal with the rumination anymore. It has took alot of my time and energy and I have not been able to get my mind off of the cycle its like a circle going around and around. I feel free after watching the whole video. It is my first time going to a therapist this month I couldn’t wait longer. Cannot thank you enough for this video.😭❤️ No more waking up to ruminations, neither spending my day rumination. It was getting to the point where all my energy was being spent ruminating and thinking about the worse case scenerio and avoiding situations.
  • @bobhanover4841
    I have a very difficult time with rumination issues. I've tried many different medications. Some days I pray that these repetitive anger thoughts go away. Thank God for videos like this! It keeps me closer to understanding the problem. I've found journaling can help clear up my mind. I hit my head on the pavement several times about 10 years ago and I strongly feel that this has made my mental illness much worse and harder to treat.
  • @currypablo
    I find giving yourself compassion and allowing yourself to be imperfect are key to beating that inner critic. Ruminations and obsessive thinking is an amygdala hijacking where the inner voice takes over.
  • @markoajdukovich
    Thank you for this very educating video! Not thinking about a ruminating topic is the solution for me, but it took me a while to understand how it works. It feels soo hard and soo anti intuitive that not trying to think/solve a problem/thought is actually a way to solve it. It can really be scary how rumination can distort your thinking patterns into constant negativity.