Pressing people's head to take samples for Wuhan flu! Vietnamese people are human or animals???

Published 2021-11-25
#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam On November 18, there was a video recording the scene of an elderly Dao woman living in Lam Binh district, Tuyen Quang province, being pressed on her head to take a sample for Wuhan flu's testing. A group of staff approached her. They have at least 6 people. 1 medical staff wearing white protective gear, covering the whole body; 1 male communist policeman wearing a green uniform; 1 young man wearing a gray jacket and anti-saliva glasses; 1 male civil defense; 1 woman in plain clothes and a woman filming the video. There were a few people standing guard around. At that moment, a young man riding a blue bicycle passed by. He had stopped, left the bike lying on the ground, standing not far from the scene.

The old woman went to weed, bringing a big buffalo and a baby buffalo. Because the team's order to take samples for Wuhan flu, she took them into the grass next to road. The old lady wearing an opaque white bag. The young man in gray jacket tried to take the weeding knife out of this bag, she pulled it back several times, refusing to let him take it. When she reached the lawn, he followed behind and surreptitiously pulled the knife out and threw it away. The purpose is to disarm, so that she has no weapons against them. Then the group surrounded and approached the old woman. The woman filming video ordered: "Hold her head, everyone! You, you, hold her head, hold her head!" At this time, the young male cyclist witnessed the whole incident.

The medical staff has the right hand to hold the cotton swab, and the left hand to press down on the old woman's left shoulder. A young man wearing gray coat twisted the old woman's hands behind her back. The male policeman and the male civil defense stood behind and held her hand tightly. The woman in plain clothes used left hand to push the old woman's head back violently. And her right hand was to hold the old woman's hand behind.

Despite the old woman's efforts to struggle and dodge, the medical staff still poked a long cotton swab into her nose and rotated it continuously. Causing her to wince and groan in pain. The other four were still holding her tight. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and fell to her knees. But she could not kneel on the ground because she was controlled by 5 people, keeping her feet in a floating position in the air. The medical staff tried to tiptoe, reach out to pull out the cotton swab and poke her nose again. At this time, the woman took video laughed loudly and said gloatingly and happily: "Get hurt! Hahaha! No, no! How she can react!"

Right now, a male staff shouted: "Okay! Done!" Then they release her. As soon as, the old woman immediately fell to the ground, weak and hopeless. The other four immediately left. The young man in the gray coat still stayed, trying to help the old woman stand up. There was a male voice: "Okay, okay! She can't die! Leave her like that!" The old woman tried to turn around, facing inside. Then a female voice rang out: "Get up! It's okay! Ignore her! It's fine!" Then the camera pans to the left.

They all laughed loudly, extremely amused and abominable. The medical staff laughed so much, had to bend over. She continued and panned the camera to the old woman: "Taking a video! I don't know what to be afraid of?" At this time, the young man left, leaving the old woman lying on the grass. They all said: "It's okay!" The buffalo saw the old woman lying motionless, so he approached and lowered his head to see how his owner was. Immediately, the old woman sat up, stood up and ran forward.

It's so brutal and barbaric! Now the whole world has seen how Vietnam's communist government treats its people during Wuhan flu pandemic. Even animals know how to care for people! Controlling people cruelly, brutally, causing them pain but still being able to laugh with delight. Vietnam's communist government's cadres are not human!

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by RFA Vietnamese - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

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