The victim's son was beaten to death by the police narrated the whole incident! The truth is here!!!

#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam After videos of Mr. Nguyen Van Kha's incident were posted on social media, Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan Em, Mr. Kha's son, recorded a video telling the whole truth:

"All of you please watch the previous videos. Obviously, I defend myself and I protect my whole family! 2 small children, old parents! Because they (ie the Vietnamese communist police) entered my house wearing plain clothes, I thought they were Mafia! Come in to steal and rob my family! I defend myself, I just shove them out! That's my right (self-defense)! If you guys want to arrest people, you must have an arrest warrant, wear police uniforms! That you are the real police! And over here, you guys don't wear uniforms, you wear plain clothes. Then go in, rush in!

In the previous video, the moment I pushed the other guy, they pulled into almost 20 guys! They dragged me out into the street, scuffled me, beat me, fell to the ground! The previous videos, the whole video that is the scene I came out! Now it's just a video, don't trust journalists (of Vietnam's communist government) at all! The moment it scuffled, it shoved me down, trampled on my body, hit me. My father was so angry that he flew out (ie, ran to defend and relieve his son)! What father doesn't love his child? Right, all compatriots, humanity and the country of Vietnam and foreign countries!

While my father came out shouting: "Don't hit my child! What crime has my child committed?", these guys clashed with my dad, fell on the street too! One guy spoke up: "Handcuff him! Take him there too!" When my father left, he was very calm and very healthy! But why about 10 minutes later, they handcuffed me, throw me out, I crawled back, they threw me next to my father, I touched my father and he stopped breathing! This is called murder and robbery, they act more than animals! Not the police at all! These guys must condemn them, have to deter them, for society to regain justice for the people so that they are no longer bewildered!"

At this point, everything is clear, the whole world knew what really happened! Now Vietnamese people themselves have denounced the communist government! Clearly, precise and extremely detailed! Firmly believe that the whole world has more and more effective evidence to sue Vietnam's communist government to the international human rights court! No matter how much the communist government argues, the truth is still the truth! It happened and cannot be denied! This lying government will sooner or later have to pay dearly! For the crimes they have committed against Vietnamese people!

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by RFA Vietnamese - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

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