Baby Blues

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コメント (21)
  • I saw it in your facial expressions for the last couple weeks. Up your vitamin d intake, try mood boosting vitamins, zenify drinks, ashwangandha. If you having a hard time bonding with baby, get your breaks in. Get well soon ❤️
  • Once I gave birth the next day was the most depressing time of my life. It took about a month to get back to normal. I refused to eat and drink anything. I didn’t want to shower and I was crying every minute. When I would see people just out and about I would envy how much easier their life seemed without a baby. In short, I felt like I was mourning my old life pre baby. I learned then that when a baby is born, so is a mother and it’s a little hard on us sometimes.
  • I had those feelings too. I went back to work 6 weeks postpartum after my second and made my husband stay home with the kids. I needed to feel like a person outside of being a mother at the time. Eventually I went back to being a stay at home mom, and I love it! Always have. I just had some other needs at that time. My kids needed a happy healthy mom and that’s what it took. No shame it! You’re doing amazing Trish!
  • Wild yam cream. Our progesterone goes up during pregnancy. It makes you feel good. It drops drastically after delivery. Wild yam will add that back. It’s amazing.
  • @benm3382
    In my mind, the natural way for a children to be raised is by a village.... A group of people or an extended family. So I think every mom and/or dad raising a kid as an atomic family is going through a huge challenge.
  • Oh girl, yes. I had my daughter at 21. I'm 33 she's 12 now. Every once in a while, I'll get in my feelings, and it feels like life is hard to navigate with a kid. It's a constant battle with, I want my career to be smooth, but nope, she's sick. I gotta take a day off. She forgot something, she needs something. I need to cook this and that, make sure she gets to where she needs to be. The mom guilt never ends, but it does get easier. It's so overwhelming that I just had one child because I can handle one, and it's tricky, I can't imagine handling 2 children and taking care of my home, my husband, her, my dogs, my career, and myself.
  • I remember having Baby Blues over 20 years ago and I was far to ashamed to discuss it with literally anyone which of course made it all the more harsh. Thank you for being brave and sharing so other people going through it now or even in the future will feel better knowing they are not alone 🥰🙌☀️
  • Maybe put the brakes on having another baby so fast
  • People forget that women are still human after becoming a mom, nobody should ever judge someone for anything they feel, it’s the most natural thing. It’s what we do that matters, and I know you’re a good mom who wants the best for your daughter that much is obvious. Moms don’t get enough credit
  • People get postpartum it doesn’t take that time to get over of the postpartum so I’m confused at what you were talking about👀👀… it seens😮 however you do overreact about everything so I think you’re just doing this for a video
  • You brag and brag on camera how about go spend quality time with her instead of giving Moses all the responsibility
  • The feeling I felt after I’d had my daughter was completely overwhelming. Just all of a sudden being responsible for this life, knowing it all falls on you now to raise this child to be happy/healthy/balanced etc. That feeling stayed with me for the first 3/4 years of my daughters life. My daughter is now 11 and she is a lovely balanced, kind and intelligent young lady. She was also recently diagnosed with Autism. It’s so completely overwhelming when you first become a Mum (yes I’m English) but I promise you that it does get less overwhelming and scary. Lots of love to you Trisha.
  • For some woman, the attention goes from being the center of attention while they are pregnant, to the baby being the center of attention after it is born. It can be an adjustment. Your baby is being well cared for, and at this age, it really doesn’t matter to her who fulfills her needs As long a S they are fulfilled.
  • You got this trish💪💪 I had my baby at 17. Im 27 now and suffered horrendously with postnatal depression in my late teens early twenties, no one really understood what it meant in my family and I missed out on a lot of understanding and support, it takes time for the body to adjust with all the hormones and emotions I also have bpd and a chemical brain imbalance , just live in the moment trish and you'll ace motherhood
  • My baby is almost 6 months and I feel like it's getting harder but so much more rewarding😊 it'll probably continue that way. The babbling, giggles, smiles, cuddles, messy food faces just sustain you like nothing else! But yeah, the first 2 weeks was a blur of crying in the shower, I honestly can't remember much.
  • It’s really hard getting into the rhythm of being a mom for the first time. Your hormones dip, you are sleep deprived, your recovering and your whole life is changed. I’m preg with my second and the only thing I’m worried about is the newborn infant stage. To me it was the worst out of the whole experience. Keep taking your prenatals and take care of yourself. Don’t ever be afraid for any help. It’ll be way easier, I promise.
  • My PPD manifested as anxiety and OCD. It's not always sadness. Hope you're doing great!
  • I think it’s sad that you portrayed perfection until now. You could have been honest about this when it happened because overwhelm and a feeling of trauma is extremely common in new mums. To portray perfection isn’t realistic or fair to portray to the world.
  • @AmbC0114
    This is why though I think some of the comments you were getting while pregnant trying to warn you or as you would say “try to scare you” were very rude Unnecessary comments, some or the comments were probably moms that have went through the same thing you are now currently going through and wanted to warn you for good reasons. I had my daughter at 18 and though I didn’t suffered from postpartum depression per say.. she was a breastfed baby for 1 1/2 years and around a certain time frame.. maybe when she was around 3 months old I did have a little bit of a break down because between my husband being at work all day, and no help from anyone, on top of no one else ever being able to feed her it was all on me 24/7 and also she’d start to cry if anyone else beside me tried holding her.. I did have a break down a time or 2. My daughter was attached to me all day everyday and I was exhausted. I look back as a 27 year old and really pat myself on the back for being a newly 18 year old and doing it all on my own and still do as a 27 year old with a beautiful 9 year old who is still pretty attached at the hip to me haha. I had a miscarriage in May at 5 weeks, and am now pregnant again 8 weeks along(MY DAUGHTER IS FINALLY HOPEFULLY GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER LIKE SHES WANTED🥰)and I have had a hard 1st trimester so far with lots of nausea and exhaustion. It’s almost like I can already feel some mild depression but, we will get through it. This to will pass. Take the time you need, but also don’t forget with your husband being a work from home dad that means he’s home with the baby just as much as you, and though I’m sure Moses will say “no I’m fine”, he needs his “30 minutes” to gather himself as well. Both have to take care of yourself.