Caitlin Clark might see lineup change with Indiana Fever


コメント (21)
  • Sides is a grade school coach. Fire this coach immediately & take Wheeler with her.😏
  • Feel bad for Wheeler. She seems like an awesome person, and it wasn't that long ago, she was All Star MVP. But damn, it's crystal clear that she absolutely cannot share the floor with Caitlin Clark. She's just simply out of place. Maybe Wheeler can be a back up to Clark, but at the same time, wheeler is one of the highest paid players in the league. It's really confusing, because it's not that wheeler is a bad player by any means. But whenever she's on the floor, the Fever suffer
  • NO NO NO. Wheeler comes into the game with a lead and exits the game with the Fever down.
  • The new play of the WNBA that Caitlin Clark and all of these rookies and collegiate athletes subscribe to is speed + dynamic passing and scoring. Sides can't coach this, and Wheeler can't play it.
  • Sides doesn't know anything about the fundamentals of coaching.. You build your offense and defense around the talent you have - you don't have a set offense and defense and try to mold the players to it.. It appears that Sides doesn't have the knowledge to create an offense or defense around the talent, she has limited knowledge of offense and defense and are trying to get the players to adapt.. She talks about the defense but cuts the number 1 college defensive player (dugh - what was she thinking), you know your weakness and make it worse.. hello..
  • I watched every Fever game this season. Erica Wheeler was given ample opportunity every game to show her stuff and added nothing to help the Fever team! I would imagine that given that the best players in the U.S. were playing in the All Star game, the competition Wheeler faced in Atlanta was hardly a challenge. Wheeler has been like a bad omen every time she plays with the Fever this season. She needs to go and take Sides with her.
  • @TemT8
    Wheeler is a very cool person and a good baller. But, yeah there is always a 'but'. She just doesn't gel with the flow of the Fever's offense. And her defense is lacking to say the least, at a WNBA level anyways. I don't want to throw shade at her, I just go by what I am seeing on the court. So for me, I am glad she is having a good showing during the break, only because the Fever can have an easier time trading her to a team she might gel better with.
  • Now is the perfect time to bring in a new coach and spend a few weeks acclimating to the team. That is more time than they had in preseason.
  • Best thing the Fever organization can do is get rid of the following: Dunn, Sides, Wheeler, Wallace, Mitchell, and Smith. None of them mesh with CC's style of play. The entire team should revolve around Caitlin. How much proof do you need? If they won't do it, you will see her demand to be traded....and then the fur will fly with GM's trying to land her
  • I like the starting 5 of Boston, Smith, Hull, Mitchell and CC. Katie Lou is first off the bench. Bury Wheeler deep on the bench. Dantas has been improving as the gets in shape. Maybe the Olympics will sharpen Wallace. Too bad they let Taylor go. She is fast and has active hands.
  • She looks great like a lot of players do when they are not playing in the WNBA. Those 5 assists are more than her 3.9 assist average over her career. She was a starter in every game in LA in 2021, in Atlanta in 2022, and in Indy in 2023. It is not like Sides doesn't know what she can do. She brought her and Wallace from Atlanta with her. Still baffles me to this day. The 200k contract is even more baffling. I just don't think she is a fit for the Fever. Berger is a better fit. Yet she sees next to nothing in playing time.
  • Wheeler needs to go! Instant offense killer. She comes in and the offense becomes anemic
  • I just noticed how she spinned around and threw the ball straight to AB...I always talk about how she doesnt have a facefront crossover, but what i just realized that thats probably how she became such a good passer.
  • @Brett33
    When Wheeler is in the game, Clark never see's the ball back when she gives up the ball. When Wheeler was in the game vs Phoenix when they came back and the next game vs Minnesota when they struggled is how the offense doesn't run when she is in the game .
  • What's the level od playing abilities the team Willis has been playing against. I mean are they truly coached teams or ore like a sand lot type team. In the first part of this video they stated Willis just does her own thing , at first thought I thought of Kelsey Mitchell doing the same but once she found that Caitlin would feed her a lot of assists she( Kelsey) became a more intricate part of the team and has less stress to find open shots thanks again to Caitlin. Other players are coming on board with Caitlin's sprint down the floor techniques. It's really fun to see other reams really sucking air to keep up with the Fever team especially in the forth quarter.
  • Makes me think that when she plays for the Fever she is intentionally playing bad in order to throw the game because how does someone make so many bad layups…the way she throws the ball at the hoop you know it’s not going to even make the hoop so no way it’s going in…calling them the max contract layups. It’s basically like she gets minutes in order to make sure that they don’t win games… CC literally will give her the ball and she will refuse to shot it even when she has wide open practice shots… Plus her relationship with Sides because of their friendship from both coming from Atlanta makes it even more conspiratorial that it makes it seem like Erica’s role for the Fever is to make sure they don’t win too many games and end up costing them gaining a high enough draft pick in the lottery which they care more about then winning championships right now it seems.
  • If the Fever management is smart they would use the first part of the break to bring in a new coach to replace Sides and give them enough time to get their coaching staff in order so when the players come back for the rest of the break to start preparing for the second half of the season they are ready to go. It would be amazing if it could be Cheryl Miller because not only do their core already respect her but she also respects them and their game but she is a legend and especially in Indians along with her brother so it would make for the perfect environment. Also because it would be Cheryl no other coach or ESPN would discount or look down on her or the team because she was coaching them giving them the respect they deserve. Then they should also get on the phone as well with the Aces Management to try and work out a trade for Kate Martin & Megan Gustafson that would be for any of the players Wheeler, Wallace, Grace, Saxton or Dantas, have it include draft picks if you have to because if you could get both players it would solve many of your weak spots on the team plus gain you two players that know how to play the CC Iowa system, can run the floor, one is a Wing and one is a Center but importantly one is also a high volume shooter that was CCs right hand in games back at Iowa and already has built in chemistry with her. Gaining both players could easily make them the underdog to win the championship this year instead of years down the road due to the fact that because it’s an Olympic year and the Olympics team is filled with players from all the top teams including the starting lineup of the Aces; which is why there is no way they are winning a 3rd championship. They are all going to come back and go right back to playing the second half of the season without a break like the Fever just had or time to work on what you needed along with your fundamentals leaving them exhausted and at a disadvantage to teams like the Fever who will be well rested and have had time to practice plays, defense, their fundamentals, etc. then add in a backup center that can run the floor and most of all a back up wing that is a high volume 3pt shooter who also plays defense and has built in chemistry with CC from playing with her for 4 years in college not to mention best friend. They could easily dominate as a core 5 with CC, AB, Mitchell, Smith and Kate as the starting line up then have Temi sub PF, Megan sub Center, Katie Lou sub F, Lexie Sub G and if they keep Grace have her be developed to be the backup PG for the times that CC needs to break in games. If they can manage to do these two things in the break the Fever could easily come away with a championship this season but that’s only if the management can be smart and do it. Then spend the rest of the season as a team practicing and working on their weaknesses and fundamentals.
  • @v2807
    Send Wheeler and Sides on their way. Bye now.
  • This is fantastic news because tells me that Erica Wheeler in putting in the work because she sees something special happening in Indiana and she wants to be ready to make the most of it, plain and simple.