Ruth B. - Superficial Love (Official Video)


コメント (21)
  • Cause I'm not perfect, I'm flawed And if you don't like that Get lost (Favorite part)
  • People watching this like : - in bed - not in a full screen - reading comments 🥰
  • Did anyone ever notice how insanely gorgeous she is? 😭
  • If you’re listening in 2020 👇🏽(3.1k thats crazy😮 thanks for the likes guys❤️) lmaoo guys don’t hate me plz i’m cringing rn abt this comment cuz like wtf am i? a calendar? lmaoo plz don’t bully me you guys, i realise how dumb this calendar trend is. anyways i’m not deleting it EVEN THOUGH it’s cringy cuz gurl i never got that many likes for a comment but thanks anyways❤️
  • dear girls, don't fall for someone just because they gave you a little attention. Attention is different from affection. Y'all deserved to be loved, be given time and effort!!
  • I love how all the people in this video just look like they are having fun
  • "Like a damn princess" "Make that an empress" Every girl deserves someone who would treat her like an empress and she'll treat him like an emperor EDIT! 👉👈 I came back to read this after I was in the mood to listen to Ruth B. And realized, that this does not only apply to female, this too applies to male and also to same sex relationships 💞💞 I wrote this comment using the words of the song, which is female and male relationship I am a part of the lqbtq+ community and support it very much! So please do not take any of this the wrong way, I wrote this with the lyrics of the song in mind, I didn't think of changing it because I thought people would notice it, but it seems like some don't, so I edited this in for a clarification 💞 -love, a bi demisexual 💞
  • Beautiful song Single shot video Simple set up Simple choreography Simple outfit No violence/nudity 100% nailed it.
  • @sue1728
    Why isn't she trending?🤔.. she talented af...
  • I like how beautifully simple she is. Not trying to get people's eyes by wearing clothing that shows everything, but just meaningful words.
  • omg she’s so beautiful and i absolutely love this music video 😭😭 a lot of artists make their mvs dramatic and overwhelming so this is like a breath of fresh air 🤍 LOVE U RUTH B
  • OH MY GOSH GRAMMIES YALL NEED TO GIVE THIS WOMAN AN AWARD I love her songs sm she is so talented 😭💗
  • She need to be more famous seriously! 😤 Her songs are amazing 😍
  • A great artist is known by the level of intelligence and creativity behind their lyrics. Just Wow!
  • Ruth B's songs needs a lot of attention rn, it's so good can't even say a word about how amazing and nice her songs are ✨❤️😭