VIKINGS Star, Alexander Ludwig, 'Bites the Bullet' to share he secretly battled with addiction for years. He talks in detail about his experience and how he was able to turn his life around.

コメント (21)
  • Even the toughest Vikings have struggled with their own demons. Love this guy, what an inspiration 👊
  • At this point I'm starting to believe that mostly everyone deals with anxiety, depression, panick attacks.
  • I became sober when I was 24 yo, I got AIDS and I had the Epiphany, I needed to get sober. That was 32 years ago. And I'm still here. Thank you Alexander for your story. Its how we stay sober.
  • Who knew that Alexander is just as brave as Bjorn. You have my respect.
  • He's an amazing person. He's the only character in Vikings that can actually live up to Ragnar. If Vikings we're to continue he should be the lead.
  • Alexander is an inspiration to many. And brave for speaking out!
  • Had no idea about any of his issues. I just made 4 years sobriety off of drugs and alcohol 8 days ago. Best decision I ever made.
  • @dclong693
    I just woke up from a coma. After an honorable career in the US Army, I took a wrong turn. Instead of opening up and talking about the demons that linger from combat, I chose to dull those tender nerves with pills and alchohol. I lost my family, my home, automobile, driver's license and honor because I didn't seek help. No, things aren't back to normal yet but after working and saving every cent for 6 months (which isnt easy being a disabled veteran) I have gotten my license back and a roof over my head. I still have no clue what new career I might pursue but at least the worst part is over and I started talking. Thank you Alexander for opening up and Biting the Bullet for letting us in. It helps more than you know. Now finish the fight. Sua Sponte'
  • I'm really glad he allowed himself to be so vulnerable for all the world to see. He knew this was important enough to set aside his ego and he really opened up and I'm glad I found this.
  • I'm 12yrs 2mo sober and it was the best decision i made in my life. I was on the verge of losing everything in my job.....everything and it was at that moment when i realized i needed to wake up and change who i was....and as i said it was the single best thing i have ever done in my life! i hope and pray more people can come to terms with their own addiction and realize you can overcome it!!!!!!
  • "It started going out with everybody and in the end it was just me alone, by myself, in some room not knowing where I am, waking up in a ditch..." Sounds like he was describing my life for a second, damn...
  • @patts6153
    Took me until I was 40years old to beat my drug addiction, 4 years clean been the best years of my life!
  • He fought a tougher battle than any he ever portrayed on Vikings. Respect
  • I love Alexander on Vikings. I had no idea. Powerful and inspiring.
  • Almost 3 years sober here and although Alexander and I have different lives..we have the same story. Addiction is a real thing and wants to take us down....but the real winner is that recovery is possible. His last words “it gets better” is very true. It just takes day...and then another day..and so on. Listening to this reminds me that I’m never alone in my battle of addiction/alcoholism. Thank you for being honest and real, Alexander, and for telling your truth.
  • “All hail king Bjorn!” So crazy how so many different kind of people deal with this. Glad people find the help.
  • SO AMAZING!! So honest and raw! He turned his pain into his purpose! What a brave soul.
  • What a brave, mature and articulate account. He is obviously a lovely person and I am so pleased he has been able to change his life.
  • @lisab8278
    You just spoke so eloquently and made your struggle real. Not to be condescending but as a 48 yr old mother , I am so proud of you. It must be difficult for you, especially, to live a sober life. Keep putting in the work because you are worth it. ❤🙏🏼⭐