I Hired a Pro Gamer to Secretly Destroy My Friends

Published 2024-01-27

All Comments (21)
  • @ludwig
  • @ZeroGgamer
    The fucking sports therapist 😭😭😭
  • @ChilledGreese
    Ludwig: I just can't seem to figure out why QT keeps having dreams where I cheat on her.. Also Ludwig:
  • @quark1243
    Ludwig: I'm 28 Sports therapist: That is old
  • Ludwig is literally gonna become the boy who cried Wolf
  • @szymonzima4164
    Ludwig cannot go a month without doing some cheating with a pro playing for him, or giving chat his credit card
  • @paulbaum7673
    The fact that he overperformed so hard, just because someone told him when to push and when not to, is crazy to me
  • This video actually showcases a really important thing in video games, which is game sense and positioning. When he had someone telling him when to go, when to back off, and where to stay, that was all he needed to become 10 times better, and its actually one of the most important things to learn in a lot of competitive games, its not all about being good mechanically. While mechanics help a lot, what truly makes you the best is understanding the game and game state.
  • @manosnapyt6042
    "I was second place behind TenZ" Ludwig: Going negative 14-17 TenZ: Going positive 35-14 with more than double Ludwig's kills
  • @SWKaguya
    Ludwig: "I'm gonna cheat with a pro gamer." Ludwig: Gets a shock collar and proceeds to cheat in the worst way possible
  • "I think they're out to get me" Who? "Riot Games" he sounded so serious too 😂
  • @pleng5178
    The therapist bit was so well shot and made i loved that section
  • "Do you think Lebron wishes there was more of him? Of course! He's perfect!" LMAO
  • @snowcrashh_
    If I had a nickel every time Ludwig cheated on his friends I'd be a millionaire
  • @ShoshinManga
    Will Ludwig ever stop cheating? No. The answer is just simply, no.
  • @bobshishka53
    Ludwig: "I'm 28" Psychologist: "That is old" 65+
  • @RendaAdams
    8:15 fun fact, the clown theme song was actually originally a song people used to charge into war. People used to listen to that while violently killing their enemies
  • @grunk8052
    "No dude, it's swag to be great," has to be the most inspirational quote of 2024
  • @spencjon4822
    The sports psychologist bit made this video a ten.
  • @SaltSpirits
    ludwig calling for jumping jacks and poki sitting back down immediately because she knew it would be an awful idea for her to do that on the modern internet was far too funny