5 Things I Hope They Keep In Mind For The Bioshock Movie

Published 2023-06-25
I'm a bit of a Bioshock Fan, so here's 5 things Netflix needs to keep in mind if they'd like to actually do their adaptation right!

All Comments (21)
  • @PDAnimation
    My Dream Director for a Bioshock film would be Guillermo Del Toro. Watch the beginning scene of Shape of Water and tell me it doesn't look like Rapture.
  • I want a TV series based around the Rapture novel and Bill Mcdonagh
  • The hardest part will probably trying to get the bouncer big Daddy actor to be able to see in the suit
  • @status_quo_post
    Quoting Bioshock lines without context, I really felt that.
  • @timmyt1717
    I'm still really blown away by there being actually fans of Bioshock still out there. I adore these games immensely and BRAVO to any soul out there who actually knows a hair about the perfect DLC Gem called Minerva's Den. The points here are so on the mark, I don't you could have made a better list. Rapture remains that perfect game environment where you can all a decaying city, old timey music, ghosts, some bits of haunted beauty and it all just works. As you said yourself, anyone out there would KILL to have all of this already when they start crafting up a film. Whether anything happens with Bioshock is always that, "time will tell," mentality. But credit to you making such a genuinely perfect video to note the good/bad/notable when it comes to making a film that can work and hit the ground. Also, thank you endlessly on mentioning about needing to focus on the movie itself and not the 1000x projects that "could" come despite the movie being still made. shudders in thought about the Universal Studios Monster Universe PS - The videos seriously needs a ton more praise. From an old Bioshock fan, keep on keeping being the one that chooses the impossible. Electro-Bolt high fives
  • Super video man. Funny. Great points. Doesn’t drag and waffle. Bioshock. Keep up the good work, I don’t know how this doesn’t have more views
  • Yes, it NEEDS to be rated R, it NEEDS to be violent and gory as it is a part of what makes the games what they are
  • @kevinmckenna5682
    Main problem with adapting this game: people familiar with it already know the two big twists. This isn't insurmountable. Captain America: The Winter Soldier remains Marvel's best solo film despite most comic fans knowing the twist, because the film added new twists. A Bioshock film would need to do the same. But I can't imagine what that new twist would be.
  • @slyngn7847
    It also would help if the writers and directors learn from the source material. Which no one seems to do nowadays. Isn't that right, Paramount's Halo, Black Widow, Thor: Love and Thunder, etc?
  • @cameronscott7304
    That Bioshock shirt looks so cool! Also I agree about your view on Bioshock Infinite.
  • @vinceg1094
    This is exactly perfect, I hope they see this.
  • I’m curious with blade runner 2049 being a prequel if the writer for Bioshock will take a similar approach. Where it’s a lead up to Bioshock one
  • You make some amazing points and I hope they do them. Even though I’m sceptical I’m confident Netflix’s unsubtle politics won’t clash with Bioshock’s creative and engaging commentary/politics.
  • I'll argue that if it's adapting the first game they should probably give Jack a companion or two. I feel like following one person and rarely seeing the other main characters might not translate well to a movie. My suggestion is Johnny (The guy killed at the start) stays around for a bit longer before Atlas tags along with our hero in person. Halfway through Tenenbaum replaces Atlas as Jack's primary companion like she does over the radio in the game. Other things I'd include would be flashbacks taken from the Rapture novel and the characters listening to diaries much like the source material. As unthinkable as it sounds I think giving Jack an actual personality is probably the hardest thing when it comes to making this work as pure viewing experience. A silent protagonist doesn't cut in in a movie like this. I'd double down on him being an "average joe" caught up in this chaos. He'll try talking first before resorting to violence and is surprised he's so skilled at combat. All he really wants is to just return to his family on the surface and be done with it, telling stories of his parents and cousins to his companions and why they're so important to him. The inevitable reveal shatters him and would need some serious talking to in order to get back on track. Jack would be at first scared and a bit whiney. He become a bit cocky after getting more guns and plasmids but is then humbled by the twist, turning into a man who just wants freedom. Preferably this follows the "good" path and Jack will rescue and feel kinship with the Little Sisters. Maybe have a splicer harvest one as warning to Jack that Rapture is truly rotten.
  • @kev9720
    Really cool video, agree with all of your points. I was obsessed with the franchise as it came out and was never able to play it as a kid. Then about 5 years ago I managed to play all of the games. I especially enjoyed the part where you highlight the possibilities that come with this movie, the atmosphere is so rich and full, it literally screams for professional make up, costumes, right lightning choices and especially scoring. Really looking forward to it, hope they don't mess it up.
  • @KRUSH-R
    outstanding video, i would love to see more work from you with this editing and script format
  • @jeremiahnoar7504
    I hated the dystopian genre until I played Bioshock. For me, it got everything right. What I loved the most about it was that it was fair to the subject it was criticizing. You hear Ryan's opening monologed and immediately you can see the dream behind the dystopia. Any pieces of work that gets to understand the tyrannical business millionaire is doing something extraordinary.