Why VR is the “Best” way to experience Flight Sim

Published 2024-07-19

All Comments (21)
  • A warning to people about MSFS in VR.... Once you get used to everything being in 3D, it gets much harder to fly with a flat screen. I have been in VR since they first patched it and I have a hell of a time now trying to land looking at a flat screen. I know, first world problems, right?
  • Got my Pimax crystal a few weeks ago. It’s absolutely mind blowing. It just takes time to use your hardware with a vr headset on but it doesn’t take long at all to be proficient. Setting all your controls is key. Moving the camera cockpit left, right, down, up, forward and back and a camera cockpit reset button. Also using an Xbox controller to control the drone camera is wild in vr. As new CPU’s and video cards come out the Pimax crystal light can be used for years and run even better in the future. One big tip is get the Pimax comfort strap. It’s a must. Keeps you perfect in the sweet spot and it’s super comfortable.
  • Thanks for the video and agree that VR is the way to enjoy flight simming. I have been enjoying VR with X-Plane for almost 6 years now and has been a great ride. I also was at FSExpo but did not get a chance to try out the Crystal Light because was to busy but did try the VR-1 but for me will keep enjoying my Beyond.
  • @Morst434
    Thank you for the video. What about all you panels, mouse control, autopilot interaktion in VR?? Can you Maybe make a video about How interaktion is with the physical hardware When using VR?
  • @777FreakyD
    I agree my friend. Tried the PC-Lite at the Expo and was blown away.
  • @HDSIM
    wow, can't wait to try it Bro
  • @Alin_A320
    I would love to try VR on flight sim, but the thing holding me back is the price of a VR headset and the computer power needed to run it😭
  • @AlanArmor
    You’re inspiring me to plug my hp reverb g2 back in. I always found with VR I spent too much time tinkering with settings to maximize fps and not enough time flying, but the immersion can’t be beat.
  • VR is certainly is the best way to get the most from your sim. My friends are blown away when the go for a test flight. (and a little quesy afterwards tring topgun type maneuvers 😮. Looking forward MR on the Crystal ala Apple Vision Pro and shared cockpit so I can fly with my friends.
  • @MikeyD142
    Love the reference “2D screen is looking in the cockpit” “VR is being in the cockpit” perfect analogy
  • @ede8193
    Nice video XP, I've been thinking about VR for a while and the Pimax looks awesome, I have a 3070 so i guess that would run it? At some point i want to get it. But the question is....i wear glasses will this work with glasses?
  • So great to see more people realising what VR does for the immersion. I've been flying exclusively in VR for the last 10 years or so now and I wouldn't even consider flying in pancake mode again. Welcome to the wonderful world of VR and enjoy 🙂
  • @seattime4075
    The real game changer for flight sims is VR Mixed Reality. Being able to see and use your cockpit peripherals, while being also in VR is amazing. I know Pimax have plans to build a MR headset.
  • @KayoMichiels
    Tried VTOL VR? An entire VR fighter jet sim, built from the ground to be played entirely in vr, using only VR controls as input, the only other input allowed are rudder pedals.
  • Ok Ok I used my Oculus with MSFS the last several years welcome to the game baby Big up !! now let me hold that for a few bro. ok presentation well done bro
  • Yes, ye-esss! VR is definitely the ultimate simming experience, @XP72! Flying traffic patterns in both G.A. and jetliners is a breeze! Yes, I fly traffic patterns in all sim aircraft; it makes you a better pilot. Peace. 😊