Suno, Udio (and other music AI). We're F*ED and it's really BAD. Seriously.

Published 2024-04-17
Hello, people! There's so much buzz about latest Suno AI, that I had tio test it out. The test told me a lot about the situation of commercial composers and producers and their future and nope - it's not nice and I absolutely don't like it nor I support it. Let's go on a long rant/analysis today!

0:00 Intro
2:57 About Suno AI
5:10 Generic corporate music
8:06 Dubstep about Folia Soundstudio
12:27 Everyting But The Girls style music
13:16 Massive Attack style music
14:24 Cinematic track for historicalk drama
14:41 Bowery Electric style music
16:01 Baroque style concerto
18:22 Summing tha thingz up!

All Comments (21)
  • @NerdChorus is an investor in Udio - I say everyone makes 1200 style songs a month and flood Spotify with it and see how he likes it
  • @nomoimusic3096
    I want the iA to clean, cook, build... and people to do arts, and the f****ng market is doing the opposite...
  • @lennysmileyface
    As a game developer I know it won't be long until they do the same with games. Guess I will have to just settle with making what I want to make regardless of AI.
  • @EricKay_Scifi
    First ChatGPT came for the copywriters, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a copywriter. Then MidJourney came for the graphic designers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a graphic designer. Then Udio came for the musicians, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a musician. Then AI came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  • @tubbythump9321
    Authenticity is dying. Everything is becoming a cheap imitation. Soon I will have a replicant for a wife, listening to AI music, eating a lab grown burger.
  • @thedandyzebra
    no worries folks, AI is going to replace everyone eventually. the world as we know it is going to change in ways no one can even imagine
  • @Fuff63
    I remember in the 80s when sequencers and drum machines were the new object of concern. This is light years beyond that.
  • @abzee733
    Damn, it happened so fast. I thought it will take a few more years and now everything is f**ked already! 😢
  • @daniels7624
    The tag "Made by human" will become a quality.
  • @nofood1
    Time to go to nature where we alla belong. Don’t forget your drums. 🪘😉🏝️🥥
  • @amusik7
    Not just stock musicians - very very soon, film composers need not apply. This software can be integrated straight into video editing software.
  • @GeahkBurchill
    I’m an illustrator. Midjourney came for me last year and took several jobs out from under me and everyone told me, “adapt”. We’re all meant to scrub toilets while the machines do all our creative and leisure activities.
  • Great video. The impact on musicians will be huge but what about on the music industry in a whole. With this I mean the software developers of plugins, synths (hard and software). If the musicians earn less money they have less money to spend on musical equipment. Do we see less companies or will there be plugins developed by AI?
  • @jmi_music
    Strong powerful summery. Leaders and lawmakers need to hear this. Subscribed
  • @issiewizzie
    This was already coming a mile away The AI just fast tracked the death of music making process
  • it's unstoppable, every job, no matter whether musician, artist, doctor, police, scholar, accountant or programmer, everyone will be replaced by AI. In other words, everyone on this planet will lose their job, or at least their current job sooner or later. That's not a problem of AI or technology, it's a problem of capitalism and social policies.
  • I appreciate your video. A lot of great points came to be in this video. I see your opinion is very valid. I wonder what they'll do once they create music and need to do live shows are they going to go back to the Milli Vanilli stages of time?
  • @nomoimusic3096
    I ask myself, how is created, i mean, wich synth? parameters? how is mixed? so many questions...