Culture and Experiences in Himeji, Japan 姫路(4K)

An introduction to the deep-rooted culture of Himeji, and the people who keep that culture alive. Get a feel for the history and culture of castle town Himeji.

00:10 Japanese gargoyle roof tiles(鬼瓦)
00:22 White plastered walls(漆喰塗り)
00:43 Zazen & Sutra Copying(坐禅・写経) 
01:04 Traditional Ceremony at Engyoji Temple(鬼追い)
01:13 Himeji Leather Craft(姫革細工)
01:18 Tea Ceremony(お茶席)
01:34 Japanese Traditional Sweets(和菓子)
01:42 Myochin Metal Chopsticks(明珍火箸)
01:50 Conger Eel(穴子)
01:55 Japan Toy Museum(日本玩具博物館)
02:00 Sake Making(日本酒造り)

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