LivePortrait - V2V UPDATE(!!) Installation Tutorial

Published 2024-07-21
The all ready fantastic lip-sync software called "LivePortrait" has just gotten better with video-to-video (v2v). Now, along with using a static image (image-to-video), you can choose to upload a video of an actual event. Imagine a video of your favorite artists performing on stage, lip-syncing and making the facial expressions you want them to!

This installation tutorial briefly shows you the new features and gets you going with how to upgrade your install using GIT

If you have already downloaded the one-click-installer through our Patreon site, then it's as easy as downloading v2 and running it again. Added in v2 is a new update feature so that in the future, all updates will be done with a single click of a button.


All Comments (2)
  • @Alex_Niko_Y
    Thanks for the new video! You're a pretty cool guy!👍