William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

Published 2023-09-26

All Comments (7)
  • @CarolynFahm
    Fascinating insights into a poem that I have long known but haven't really understood in all its implications.
  • @yogig6271
    Thank you Daniel… wonderful commentary… however, what struck me most in listening, was how a fine creative intellect Yeats could view the world through such a narrow window, for example Christianity and domination of world?!!! If I recall history correctly two thirds of the world was quite content and satisfied with there own religious fabric …
  • @stripedgazelle
    What indeed does the Spiritus Mundi have in mind? I, for one, am completely exhausted by the suspense of it all.
  • Not to be a stickler, because I know what you were getting at...but anarchy, to many, means no rulers not necessarilly no rules. Voluntary. The media and antifa don't represent anarchy well.