Sherman's March to the Sea - Armchair Historian Reaction

Published 2024-03-21

All Comments (21)
  • @scotzrewl
    If I recall correctly, the demonization of Sherman really did not start until the creation of the Lost Cause myth. Both Hood and Johnston stated that Sherman did nothing wrong.
  • @jasp3rjeep13
    Person in the Opera ad: * has 8 browsers open * Chris: You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.
  • I'm a tour guide in NYC and as you probably know we have a statue of Gen. Sherman in Grand Army Plaza at the SE corner of Central Park. When giving a tour there, if I know some guests are from GA in the group, I'll usually say: "Here is a man that our friends from Georgia are likely not fans of, Gen. William T. Sherman." 🤷‍♀️
  • @wally2gen
    You should visit the General Sherman and General Grant trees at Sequoia National Park in California. They’re some of the biggest trees in the world.
  • @Ross-zs4zt
    🎶Bring the good ol' bugle boys, we'll sing another song...🎶
  • @DeosPraetorian
    Savannah was the largest city in Georgia until Atlanta surpassed it in 1880
  • @RicktheCrofter
    I remember reading article. Lots of modern day a southerners would tell about how their grandfathers’ farms were burned by Sherman. When asked where these farms were located, it was pointed out that these locations were no where near Sherman’s march.
  • I'm surprised you didn't mention Sherman's message to Lincoln after taking Savannah on December 22nd: “I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with 150 heavy guns and plenty of ammunition and also about 25,000 bales of cotton."
  • @MotoNomad350
    “Sherman’s March to the Sea,” aka “Traitors suffer consequences and forever after clutch their pearls.”
  • @Mr10johnny10
    Always impressed by your Civil War knowledge. The Civil War was so formative to who are as a nation today and every decision we have made since so I love learning about it
  • @JohnReedy07163
    I love that people point at Sherman as a "war criminal" when his reasoning was entirely based on military success. Meanwhile, Grant tells Sheridan that he wants the Shenendoah Valley to be so free of it's natural resources that a bird would have to fly north to migrate for the winter. One man's trying to force a surrender, the other is trying to change Science as we know it.
  • @apollo4619
    March to the Sea is like the final form of the term “fuck around and find out”
  • @quandaryn1231
    I like how he says the biggest war crime was abandoning the 600 slaves, and not the traitors slaughtering them afterwards.
  • @seththomas6350
    I grew up hearing stories of Sherman being basically, a demon (I’m from Alabama). Maturity is realizing he did nothing wrong and that we had it comin 😅
  • @DamonNomad82
    My 3rd great-grandfather was a private in the 57th Illinois Infantry Regiment, and took part in the Atlanta Campaign, the March to the Sea, and the Carolina Campaign.
  • @breadforfeet6740
    One of my favorite expressions is: "Burns like Sherman through Georgia."
  • I'm always thoroughly impressed by Chris's civil war knowledge. knowing a seemingly ordinary church, knowing which rank someone was at any given time, it's impressive.
  • @stampede122
    ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce (from MASH) said it best: “war is war and Hell is Hell, and of the two, War is worst” eventually explaining that “in War with an exception of a few High Brass, everybody suffers”
  • @FrontierCinema23
    When I was I a kid I lived in Georgia for 12 years between Atlanta and Athens. One thing that has never been forgotten is the burning of Georgia/Atlanta. When my grandparents came to visit, my grandpa born and raised in the Bronx said “It’s a shame there isn’t as much history down here” to which a neighbor said “There was until you Yankees came and burned it all to the ground” I never forgot that comment. Just shows how the wounds are still lying beneath the surface for some of the folks down there.
    20:31 I remember on Emperor Tigerstar's video "The American Civil War: Every Day" there was a comment that said something online the lines of "losing New Orleans this early on in the war is like quickly losing your queen in chess." and I might note that I can relate to that.