A Walk Through King Solomon's Temple

There can be no subject of greater interest to Freemasons than the Temple of Solomon, King of Israel, Supreme Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem. The Temple is intimately bound up with the ritual and traditions of Craft and royal Arch Masonry, as well as the Degrees of Mark Masonry, Royal and Select Masters, and other degrees. It is described in the V.S.L., in the Talmud, and by historians such as Josephus; but in no case is the description sufficiently complete to enable one to make even a mental reconstruction. So many important details are wanting that no two authors who have written on the subject seem to be able to agree upon all points.

Much however is known about the temple, so tonight we’ll take a virtual tour through this mighty edifice.

コメント (12)
  • Preety interesting how Solomon revered the Almighty by his symbolic act of building a Magnificent temple to him
  • ....Although I have thoroughly enjoyed your presentation on the ancient Temple of Solomon,which was quite descriptive and full of colorful adjectives and models,nevertheless I must ask why have you sent me this material which seems to be shrouded in the occult of Free Masonry,of the which I am not nor have I ever been apart of. Albeit,I am familiar with some of the history and teachings of that organization as well as being familiar with some of its notorius and notable members of the which include the likes of Joseph Smith[ TheFounder of the organization of the Latter-day Saints] and Charles Taze Russell who was the founder of the organization known as the Jehovahs Witnesses. I am not a member of either one of those organizations nor do I feel any need to, nor have any desire to become a member of the Free Masons, Masonic Order of Priest. That being said, nonetheless, it has always been my fervent desire to build a House for the NAME of my G-d in memory of a promise and an oath that I made long,long ago. To this end I do not seek nor have I sought to any length,the vanity or the glory or the honor of Men,nor do I seek the fame or fortune of Men,but...this "One thing I have desired of the Lord [YHVH], My G-d, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the House of the Lord[YHVH] All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord[YHVH], And to inquire in His Temple"....FOREVER!!!... Psalm 27
  • As a newly voted in soon to be brother these videos are priceless.Thanks so much for shedding light on me.✝️🧭
  • The first and second temple were just pure magical. So much meaning centered around it. In my opinion the book of Hebrews in the new testament distills most accurately, the masonic principles and ideals.
  • @Qu0thTheRaven
    I recognize that song but I dont know where it comes from. Was it in a movie?