The 10 Worst Quests in Baldur's Gate 3

Published 2024-04-03
Ever wondered which quests you shouldn't waste your time with in Baldur's Gate 3? While BG3 is certainly one of the greatest RPG's in decades it still had its fair share of annoying quests. Well in this video I've compiled a list of The Top 10 Worst Quests in Baldur's Gate 3, and included some advice so you don't need to suffer as well. If you enjoyed the video leave a like it really helps me out. Thanks for checking it out & If you leave a comment I'll read it.


This video is fanmade content not sponsored by Larian Studios, Blizzard, or anyone else. All content is used following their fanmade user content policies. If you have any concerns feel free to reach out. Thanks


00:00 Introduction
00:07 Number 10
01:00 Number 9
01:42 Number 8
03:12 Number 7
04:26 Number 6
05:51 Number 5
06:53 Number 4
07:41 Number 3
08:43 Number 2
10:02 Number 1

All Comments (21)
  • Working on another challenge video as well after this one! (My last one failed and softlocked after 5 days of playing T_T so it got delayed lol). Rather than not post for a month I had this on my list of backup ideas. Hope you enjoy!
  • @YEKOBness
    The gondian quest sucks, but pissing off wulbren who’s the biggest asshole ever makes it worth it.
  • @Saintbalor
    I will happily side with the Gondians and get absolutely no rewards just for the pleasure of sticking it to Wulbren
  • @thenim8999
    Wyll's quest is also incredibly disappointing. The whole part with Ansur made me bitter because the Emperor just. Stole the scene. Like wtf man I was so upset at that. Wyll doesn't even have that many extra lines. Also Save the Gondians ends up with having both the Ironhand and Gondians as allies if Barcus is there. I love that little gnome. You can help him cast out Wulbren and unite the two factions and it was so satisfying! I only managed this in my second playthrough because I'd managed to keep Barcus alive and it was very rewarding.
  • @AllergyPuppy
    The suspicious toys quest DOES suck, but the reward of being able to get a huge pile of explosives from it soothes any gripes I have tbh.
  • @primrosett
    If I could at least commission Oskar to paint Astarion so he could see himself again, it'd make that damn quest a little more worth it but NO. he has no reaction! Istg the painting you get isn't worth what I paid the Zhent to free him and also frankly........ Janneth is too good for Oskar, he kind of sucks as a person and doesn't deserve her devotion. Next run I'm leaving him with the Zhent, girlie will be better off.
  • @emberblade7430
    Saving the Gondians for me was never about the reward. My party had almost everything they needed at that point. My character was trying to be a hero, and couldn't just turn a blind eye to their plight. Plus, the Iron throne encounter is just amazing. Even though it isn't as dangerous as some of the bosses, the time limit really makes it memorable. Most exciting encounter besides Ansur IMO.
  • @crumblyairship
    on my first "Save the Gondians" playthrough, i decided to use a Potion of Angelic Reprieve because i'd never gotten to, and i REALLY needed it, because it was ridiculously difficult to keep these idiots alive. i jumped up into the rafters and used it, because nothing could really hit me up there a Gondian jumped up, SHOVED me, and woke me up. i decided to just let them die after that
  • @HeavenlyHavoc
    Raiding the grove is easily the worst choice in the entire game simply because of Dammon. You get some low level loot from a few druids but lose out on the flawed helldusk set, the armor of persistence, like four best-in-slot weapons, the darkfire shortbow, and basically any interesting arrows bc he sells the vast majority of those in act 3
  • @DngnRdr
    The chicken chasing will be done with the owlbear cub if you let it live if/when you killed it's mother. In this case you can talk to it and get it to go where it needs to and then tell it to follow your scent to camp.
  • @Ovfrost
    Iron Throne rescue mission has to be one of the most memorable gameplay moments in the game for me. Sure it's very hard to save everyone, but it's like a tactical puzzle you have to solve, many times involving preparations before going in there. And if it's annoying for you, but you still wanna save everyone, go partial illithid with all your characters - It becomes almost trivial with perma fly and mind blasts.
  • @OrigamiAhsoka
    I genuinely can’t believe I completed the dribbles the clown quest my first time playing. I did literally everything I could in act 3, but I’m still amazed I found all his pieces LOL
  • it's more satisfying to see lady jannath freely having a social event in her not-destroyed home. this happens if you don't save Oskar from the zhent (you can still meet him in act 3)
  • @eomer6520
    The Free the Artist Quest is the most annoying because the battle is within the house with multiple layers. The ghosts will agro you even if they're on the higher floor and they take their turns forever. After doing it on my first playthrough, I always kill the artist in the Zentharim hideout. LoL
  • Save the Gondians does mean Barcus ends up leader of the Iron Hands though. Do it for him :)
  • @cursedmonkey1033
    There's the House of Grief battle, not so much a quest, but. That one and the Iron Thrown were initially the must frustrating but when you figure out how to beat them they're easily the most memorable and satisfying. Seeing all those gnomes running to the ladder and you're like "Yay, go go go!" I think it's just what the designers had in mind when they made them.
  • @Brainfly-
    I legitimately don't understand the Gauntlet of Shar hate. The trials are easy enough, even on Honour Mode, are overall pretty interesting, and that section of the game has some awesome character interactions and backstory. Ofc the trials won't be as fun on a second go around because they're puzzles you've already solved, but I never dread it like some people seem to 😶
  • @marvcollins7842
    The underwater prison was honestly one of my favorite parts of act 3. It actually required strategy to save all the gnomes, the Duke and Omeleum inside the time limit.
  • @knightofskylark
    I call Find Dribbles the worst with how annoying it is for a crap reward imo. Save the Gondians at least leads you to where Duke Ravenguard and Omeluum are and if you help Barcus you can still get the ironhand gnomes in the final fight while siding with the Gondians. Having a controllable Steel Watcher in the final fight would have been fantastic
  • Honestly the issue with Karlachs quest isn’t that the ending isn’t “good” it’s just you get so many options and implications that there is a solution. Kinda disappointing her only real “good” option is to back to literal hell.