The Sugar Lobby: How The Industry Hides The Real Harm Caused By Sugar | ENDEVR Documentary

The Sugar Lobby: How The Industry Hides The Real Harm Caused By Sugar | Business Documentary from 2012

Every year, the average person in France eats 34 kg of sugar – twice as much as 15 years ago. 80% of the sugar we consume is hidden in everyday foods, like ‘healthy’ breakfast cereals, yogurts or ready meals. For the past decades, the sugar lobby has been on the offensive. Not only are consumers being misled about the quantity and form of sugar in their diets, but the effects of sugar on our bodies are being downplayed. According to some doctors, sugar is not just an empty calorie, it’s a ‘poison’, just as dangerous as cigarettes, and a leading cause of a number of serious illnesses. As well as the epidemic in child obesity, sugar has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers. In this investigation, we examine the sugar industry.
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コメント (21)
  • @sirgeoh
    Sugar is a real drug. I have detoxed from it several times with the following withdrawal symptoms: headache, fatigue, brain fog, anger, irritability. I have relapsed so many times as the cravings are always there.
  • @millaflea
    I don't by anything by Nestle, Kellogg's, Kraft or Coca cola companies any more..
  • Don’t trust those granola bars and energy bars either, they are just sugar in different clothing. Eat real food, even if it means you have to spend more time in the kitchen. Your body will appreciate it.
  • I took a walk down the cereal aisle in walmart yesterday. Virtually every cereal box I picked up and looked at contained added sugar in various amounts. This "food" has been marketed to children for decades.
  • The RDA for sugar in the U.S is a joke. Everything in the grocery store has sugar in it, now.
  • When I was a kid in the 70s the standard/recommended breakfast was a big bowl of breakfast cereal with milk and sugar and fruit on top, toast, a tall glass of orange juice, etc. all starchy and sugary things.
  • I remember a soda commercial about 10 years ago. It claimed that soda was mostly water and water is good for your, so drink soda.
  • A fact to those who are still thinking sugar is needed for our body. There is no essential carbohydrate for our body but our body need some glucose. Our Liver will make enough glucose for our body needs.
  • The obesity epidemic is so sad and infuriating. It's even happening to my own little brother now. He's only 14 and he stuffs himself and my mom won't make him stop. I'm an adult with my own life and home to worry about so I can't be on his case 24/7, not to mention it strains our relationship as siblings for me to always be acting like the mom.
  • @JenzJoe
    Never let a company tell u only the “good things” about a product. I’m teaching my chilsren early in life.
  • I used to pour so much sugar on my corn flakes and Rice Krispies OMG nobody tried to stop me! Childhood obesity😔
  • I would classify this as sinister and disturbing showing that money is king and always will be the ultimate drug.
  • And this is why I cook all my food from scratch. If I get chocolate for Christmas I can easily eat the whole box in one sitting.
  • @bitmau5
    I need only mention one name and one name only: Dr. Robert Lustig. Sugar is poison and it's killing you.
  • I am concerning my sister and mom… both are nurses and they should know better than me and my brother… but they are both obese, too much sweets and other food, and mom also chronically suffering with bad sleeping but won’t consider any help When we were kids we usually had oat porridge and no cereals for breakfast, also little other sugary stuff, which was a very good thing. However, I got diabetes just about a year ago but managed to reverse it in 5-6 months just by applying new diet, low carbs…and I lost 6-8kg and blood glucose is today ver good I used work in food biz, but today I am so disappointed with most of the things the food industry is doing
  • 35Kg /Year of Sugar??? that is almost 3kg/month...the amount of risk of body inflammation is too high.
  • I start change what i consume. I’m more like to consume pure mineral water than sugary drink. it is a little thing but it really influences your health
  • @mousemd
    They tell you that drugs, alcohol, and coffee are bad for you. Illegal. Yet sugar isn't regulated. They don't mind. You go to a doctor. He doesn't mind prescribing you more drugs. Instead of advising you on a proper diet. I understand that most people won't, but what about those who will/want to