Ricky Gervais on Stephen Hawking & Gandhi | Politics | Universal Comedy

Publicado 2024-01-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @joknaepkens
    Fun fact: Gandhi lived and studied in London from 1888 until 1891. Jack The ripper also roamed the streets of London from 1888 until 1891....
  • @edgreen2660
    There's a dig at Gandhi in, of all places, Anne Frank's diary. I recall reading, "Gandhi's on his umpteenth hunger fast."
  • @conillet
    Simply the best. Can't watch any other comedians any more.
  • @Lastwhitelf
    When I was young i was told another version of the story, featuring an industrious ant and a lazy cicada. When winter come, the cicada knocks on the ant door and asks for shelter. The ant just say "you passed the whole summer singing, now dance" and slams the door. Brutal, but works better.
  • Laughed at the story of the mice. Reminded me of certain members of my family who pissed away everything they earned, had, on the moment never considering the future. Then they show up at my door, the door of the person who saved while he lived more modestly, carefully, saving resources and expecting me to share what I had conserved with them. The attitude being that those who live more carefully are obligated to take care of those who don't. The fallacy of m@rxi$m is that it attracts the latter like flies and the savers, hard workers, they give up because they know the fruit of their efforts will be stolen from them, if not by the people themselves, by the state. Eventually the liability outweighs the assets and you end up with empty shelves and bread lines.
  • @EverTheSinger
    The story with the mice is normally or maybe initially the fable "La cigale et la fourmi" (the grasshopper & the ant) by Jean De La Fontaine. And at the end the grasshopper (lazy mouse) come to the door of the ant after singing all summer. And the ant replies : You singed? I am glad. Well dance now.
  • @luketalbot7253
    Never noticed that the joke about the old lady mugged from Afterlife was a rehash of a joke from this
  • @babbarr77
    You had the lazy mouse and the industrious mouse. Growing up, there was a PSA cartoon on t.v. of the industrious ant and the lazy grasshopper…in the 1950’s
  • 😂😂😂 Love Love Love Ricky Gervais ❤ Political Comedians are the Bellwether of a healthy Democracy, because they remind us that the Emperor wears no clothes and has feet of clay. First ones to "disappear," under a Dictatorship. Mockery des*troys them. 😊
  • @IRCW
    Guyssss i proper don’t understand why you can’t just post the whole show rather than snippets😩 I just wanna watch the whole thing even if I have to pay for it idc I can’t find it anywhere☹️💔
  • @libertas57
    Another one about Gandhi- When he was returning after meeting the King of England, he was asked by a reporter whether he felt at all embarrassed at meeting the King in a dhoti and sandals with nothing to cover his legs or torso? He replied, "I have nothing to hide. Besides, he was wearing enough clothes for both of us"
  • @scloftin8861
    OK, that's funny. I took Philosophy of Mind as well ... Yes, I have a philosophy degree.