Bush speechwriter opens up about his daughter's tragic death

In a column for the Atlantic, David Frum writes about losing his daughter Miranda, and about her last gift to the family: her mischievous dog, Ringo. #CNN #News

コメント (21)
  • I just saw this interview of David from on CNN’s website about his daughter Miranda and her dog Ringo. I’ve always respected David’s point of view and it was such a lovely interview. I don’t know the woman who interviewed him, but she was absolutely terrific.
  • So sorry, as one who lost my son over one year, some days I am so broken. Feel your pain it is tough.
  • It’s that DAMN 5 year mark! Our family has had a similar experience. I’m sending my sincere condolences.
  • Beautiful comment from the father, beautiful words ....."by taking care what was important to them".
  • @jndenton1
    David Frum has always moved me with his words, but this utterly cracked my heart open. I’m so sorry for Miranda’s loss. You’ve done her a beautiful honor.
  • @fe9712
    What a wonderful interviewer. What a special Dad. What a beautiful doggie. ❤
  • John MacVane, a war correspondent during WWII, wrote in his memoir about his infant son, Miles. Born in London during the blitz, the baby developed kidney cancer and died in his seventh month. There in besieged London, in the midst of the greatest war in history, the MacVanes buried their little boy, and had inscribed on his stone these words: “There is not enough darkness in the whole world to put out the light of one small candle.” Milo still shines in the darkness, and so does Miranda, forever.
  • My deepest condolences to David Frum and his family. Thanks so much for this interview.
  • @J-dizzle2021
    I had no idea. I'm a father of daughters, and I just wanted to tell you I'm so very sorry. FYI, I'm a Democrat/independent, and it never crossed my mind writing this before I watched the entire video. My heart hurts for you as it would anyone. I've watched you on the news for many years. Hang in there, my friend. All the best to you and your family.
  • No parent, no matter where they are, should ever have to bury a child. It's an abomination and leaves a wound that never heals. 🥺
  • @ollieox9181
    I so f*ckin' HATE cancer! My sister was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. My boss's wife - a wonderful lady - passed away from it 5 days ago. Sigh. I'm going to donate a chunk of cash to the Canadian Cancer Society. Condolences, Mr. Frum. May your daughter RIP.
  • Davids bravery to do this is unreal. As a father l have no idea how he had the strength to do this.
  • My husband passed last year and I fostered a cat shortly after, Bruno. Could not have made it without him. I'm so sorry for you're loss
  • @slowerpicker
    What a beautiful interview. I am so so sorry for your loss, and grateful for the skillful, compassionate presenter who talked to you about it. Writing this through tears. Might have to put the dog on a diet though.
  • I am so sorry to learn about the death of the daughter of David Frum and his wife. She was obviously an amazing woman. I am a Canadian who listened to David's mother, Barbara Frum, on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio for many years. She was an amazing journalist; I can still hear her distinct voice. It means alot that David and his wife are caring and loving their daughter's pup. While dogs are quite a responsibility and can be a real handful at times (I speak from experience) , David and his wife will reap loving rewards from caring for their daughters dog. They are intuitive little creatures and will help with the Frum's healing over time. My deepest sympathy for their loss.💔
  • @kathyrama4570
    So sorry to all who love Miranda. Death does not end love. Thank you for taking Ringo. He will bring you love unconditionally. He's adorable. What a sad and beautiful story. To Mr. Frum and his wife and Ringo, my most sincere and deepest condolences.🎉
  • Beautiful. Sympathies to the family. I always loved listening to David's Mom Barbara Frum as a journalist. She was also a real professional.
  • So so sorry! Just precious to have a part of his daughter with him. I believe she’s smiling at her dad and her pup! Impossible to see this with a dry eye. He’s right….empathy for each other is so important!