It's officially the end for Windows 10!

Published 2024-05-04
Windows 10 is officially coming to an end in October - so what options do we have?


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All Comments (21)
  • @laszlozsurka8991
    I would upgrade if Microsoft did not have such a dumb requirement for Windows 11. Windows 11 requirements are purposely made to make more capable PCs end up as E-waste.
  • @Kevin.King71
    Heck, I'm still using Windows 7. If I update, I'm going to Windows 10. Nothing I've heard about Windows 11 makes me want to touch it with a 20 ft pole.
  • @MartinThePanda
    Windows 10 is coming to an end and Windows 11 never started. :face-green-smiling:
  • @fido139
    The pushback from countless business users will be a landslide.
  • Windows 11 is a dog. After promising that Windows 10 was the last version, MS tried to convince users to buy new hardware to upgrade to.....the same OS with a minor graphical update. They didn't anticipate that users were smart enough to reject this ploy. Now MS is stuck constantly updating a "new" OS hovering at only 26% of the Windows marketshare while constantly fearmongering to Windows 10 users, who make up 70% of their userbase. 10 year old hardware can run Windows 11 just fine, yet MS wants you to increase e-waste and throw out your old PC. MS still thinks they're the only kid on the block with an OS. Times have changed. We don't need MS.
  • @myronachtman4304
    Too bad they don't discontinue Windows 11 and reinstate Windows 10.
  • @mda5003
    Considering 70% of computers are still using Windows 10 as opposed to only 20% using Windows 11 I shan't be losing any sleep with my Windows 10 operating system anytime soon.
  • As far as I care it is End of Life for Microsoft! I have been loyal to them for decades. But they no longer make a product I want to buy.
  • @ScottGrammer
    At one time, M$ said that "Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows." This turned out to be an incomplete sentence. The complete sentence is, "Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows that people will voluntarily use."
  • @geob8172
    If they haven't fixed everything in Windows 10 by now they never will.
  • Microsoft shot itself in the face when it decided that many computers would not be able to upgrade. Many people have not 'upgraded' to Win11 because they can't. With the only option to buy new computers, many are just not going to upgrade at all. I have Win11 on one computer and I hate the damn thing. Every time those idiots release a new version of Win we have to re-learn half of what we already know and that is a huge pain in the butt!
  • @DungarooTV
    Honestly, if you're computer is older than 6 years old and running Windows 10 - chances are your hardware is fine running Windows 10 indefinitely with its current hardware and software setup so unless you're downloading from 'dodgy' websites, there's nothing to do and just continue using Windows 10 until you decide to upgrade to a Windows 11 laptop/PC so don't stress. Just leave things as is.
  • @user-dz3ph7dl4m
    I updated my parent's PC from win7 to linux Debian 12 - they are in their 70s and while they were initially hesitant they are really enjoying it.
  • Soon it will be the end of Windows as we know it. Many of us have zero interest in Windows 11 with ads.
  • @nineonine9082
    What does windows 11 even provide that 10 can not do.. I always hate when they pull this kinda bs.
  • @ivisyung3088
    cause its illegal for microsoft to disable your win 10 as you own that copy.
  • @robertmartin7202
    Windows XP was the best OS Microsoft ever produced. It was small on the hard drive (less than 2 Gb) and it was easy to operate. I never liked all the subsequent versions. Windows 10 certainly will be my last Windows ever!
  • @mikeslater6246
    It's still ticks me off that Microsoft said with the emergence of Windows 10 that it would be the last Windows version that they put out and that from that point on they were going to just do updates for Windows 10. Liar, liar, pants on fire!
  • @metricmine
    A report just came out that from Feb 2024, Windows 11 market share decreased while Windows 10 market share increased, currently at around 70%. Leave 70% of your OS market without updates. All those people are not going to change in such a short time and they don't want to change. Let's see what happens.
  • @perry44
    I was only looking at your channel last week about this subject but you didn't have a video up then. I've been able to fix other problems on my laptop using your help videos. So helpful. Thank you so much. 👍😊