What's required for HIPAA training compliance?

Published 2016-09-19
HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Its original purpose was to protect people from losing their health insurance if they change jobs or have pre-existing health conditions. HIPAA has been expanded over the years to also help reduce the cost and administrative burdens of healthcare transactions, and most recently to develop standards and requirements to protect the privacy and security of personal health information.

It's HIPAA’s Privacy and Security Rules that we’ll cover here.

HIPAA’s Privacy and Security Rules require healthcare organizations to adopt processes and procedures to ensure the highest degree of patient confidentiality. It makes sense. Patient’s desire their information to be secure and rely on you to keep it safe and confidential.

Protected Health Information or “PHI” can be created, stored or transmitted in many formats. Through verbal conversations, written documents, over computer software or hardware and in various other forms. All require security and confidentiality measures to be implemented.

PHI may include anything in the patient health records such as lab results, medical history, images and more. It also includes other patient information like names, birthdates, social security numbers, e-mail addresses and other information that can be used to create identity theft.

Take Your First Step towards HIPAA Compliance with your Complimentary Risk Assessment: ra.officesafe.com/#/123/youtube

All Comments (21)
  • @lotg5220
    Very well laid out for better understanding of HIPAA! This should give us some CEU credit points!
  • @susancain9360
    good film on HIPPA. I have stayed aware HIPPA all during my medical career, because I've had access to many mandatory trainings on how important it is not to divulge private info. about a resident or patient or client.
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) or the Kennedy-Kassenbaum Act was enacted by the 104th United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. The act consists of five titles and regulates the availability and breadth of group health plans and certain individual insurance polices and protects individuals of misuse and disclosures of PHI and others. Great video. Thanks.
  • WOW.. I need 2 just do my job and keep quiet at work! Love this video- very informative. Thank you!!
  • @AmandaBoggs10
    HIPPA is keeping Patient Information safe and what HIPAA governs and what a Medical Assistant is responsible to protect.
  • @coopsevy5664
    Me and my family are and have been mismanaged so poorly by miscommunication by Health Care and the Insurance companies I know we are not getting tested and treatment that we need, we are being mislead and given medication its really scary because I would like a say to my health and same with my family. My father has now lost my dad from this and I almost lost my soulmate, and my daughter so why and how is this legal.
  • @coopsevy5664
    Still waiting to hear back from BCBS for misleading me when I knew my account was hacked and they lied to me when I questioned it, and crying my eyes out because I was getting billed for someone else tests. I reported this and I have done my best to think with a clear head and stay calm. But its going on 4 years and that breach went to trail and settled so why I'm I still being sued?
  • Can anyone tell me how long a Hippa is good for if a parent has gotten the hippa signed by her daughter, how many years does it last?