“ School kills artists “ || A vent playlist

Published 2023-01-13
This is my second vent playlist !!

1. The picture isn’t mine!!
2. The music isn’t mine!!

I hope you enjoy!!!
Also , feel free to vent in the comments!!

All Comments (21)
  • @RKM404
    TIMESTAMPS! 00:01 - Inarticulation - Rio Romeo 2:43 - Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott 5:07 - I can't handle change - ROAR 8:25 - Gay Jokes - Rio Romeo 10:51 - Nobody - Mitski 14:04 - Oh klahoma - Jack Stauber 17:15 - Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo 20:05 - I deserve this - Rebzyyx 21:45 - Better than me - The Brobecks 26:07 - My mother wants me dead - Carolesdaughter 27:59 - Self Care - Penelope Scott 29:17 - Jealousy, Jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo 32:08 - I'd rather sleep - Kero Kero Bonito 34:08 - I bet on losing dogs - Mitski 36:56 - Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
  • @Scyifle
    listened to this in school and got sent home for being inconsolable. 10/10 easy way to get out of school.
  • My school which is specifically supposed to help kids who need a little more help in school has been forcing me to not doodle/draw in and out of class, which I use as a focusing strategy. My vice principal compared my need to doodle to a guy who needs to golf while he’s at work, which is completely fucking stupid. He also yells at me when I accidentally interrupt him, which stresses me out. I’ve had breakdowns and they’ve just ignored me. They lowered my grade because of me doodling. I now don’t have any motivation to do art or anything. Even before now, I had noticed how my creativity when it comes to drawing has greatly decreased since I was in 6th grade or younger. If school was a person I would strangle them. Update: It’s my last year at this school fortunately, although sadly I won’t be able to participate in AP art this year, as they cancelled it due to our art teacher being out to take care of her new child. From what I’ve heard so far, the new art teacher is really unsupportive and has taken points from students(even the younger ones) due to smudging(which is a form of art, although she disagrees) and if someone takes reference from a game, character, etc. I’m aware of this as this has happened to my friend who is in her class. In other news, I no longer have one of the unsupportive teachers and have compromised with another teacher of mine about my drawing.
  • This sounds like what it feels like to be a nuerodivergent artist in a unsupportive school
  • To all those artists at school: Art is eternal, school is just a few years of shittery, but nobody gets taught shit, keep drawing, follow your dreams. Your art is amazing, keep improving everyone bye!
  • @_s0phiamia_
    This is the first playlist EVER where I didn’t skip through any songs
  • This guy at my school tried to tell me that if you were a burnout at our school you were just stupid. I yelled at him (not screaming but getting upset) and told him that just because he excels in every class even when he doesn't try doesn't mean that he gets to talk about others experiences. He didn't respond back and instead just completely changed the subject. I know that at least 2 other people heard in that class of 9 people but they didn't say anything so I don't care if they heard.
  • My school does have an art class, but almost all the students there make fun of me for drawing and animating- (my passion/hobby and a way I relive stress) Edit 1; WHAT. HOW DID I GET SO MANY LIKES- well- thanks- :')
  • Thankfully I'm graduating this year from my art school but I'll never be able to forgive myself for going here, can't wait to leave everything behind and never come back again. One tips for all of you that are thinking of going to art school, think it through if you really like to draw. Also if you can't work under stress and sudden deadline changes I don't recommend it simply because of what I lived through. Do a background check of the school, ask former graduates and students, never the teachers. Only the student will be honest about what it was like. Such an ironic meaning this playlist has for me.
  • @nerdiestnerd
    FUN FACT: The picture is from a children's manga series called, 'Hooky' currently, there are only two books. I have read the series and I would recommend, It's definitely underrated!
  • @microwave7093
    I was always considered the weird neurodivergent kid althroughout my childhood, I didn't understand social cues very well and I didn't think there was a "proper" way to act, I just did as I pleased. I was pretty extroverted and I talked to practically anyone. I did get into trouble pretty often as well. Though what people saw most about me is that my imagination and my artistic ability was extreamly big. It was a gift. Kids started taking notice of my behavior when I was in 1st-2nd grade, they didn't see it as a gift. They thought I was weird and immature. I was bullied relentlessly and none of the teachers cared, one of my teachers even teased me about my thumb sucking which was a form of stimming and self soothing. I wasn't sure how to defend myself and kids started getting meaner and meaner, the teachers neglected me and allowed it to continue. By the time I was in 3rd grade I began to mask away everything, From then on the bullying and neglect started to settle in. I thought I was the issue and I needed to do something about it. I would overthink every single thing I would do, every action, every thought. I though something was wrong with me but I couldn't figure out what it was, it felt life there was something missing. and I didn't know what. It was all my fault, all of it. Nothing I did seem to work though. I felt like everything was spiralling out of my control right before my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. I just wanted to be normal, I wanted to live at ease and just be who I wanted, but I couldn't. I couldn't let them see who I really was because that side of me was a disgusting embarrassment and it should never be revealed to the public. Because I would just end up back at square one, the bullying would start back up again and I won't be able to stop it. I eventually lost myself completely and my personality did a full 180. Compared to the person I was when I was a kid, it's like I became a whole different being. I'm literally the exact opposite of who I used to be and it can't be reversed, I am just this thing now. Socially anxious, can't handle basic human interractions, crying at the slightest inconvenience, can't keep a steady relationship, can't trust anyone, can't do a simple task on my own... A complete and utter mess. I don't even think I'm a human being, sometimes it feels like my body wasn't meant to be mine. I can't run away, I've been trapped in the same horrible nightmare for years, waking up on the same day for as long as I remember. I don't feel a thing anymore. Endless torture, my own hell. Nothing can break this curse. So I lie here in my bed, slowly rotting away and leting the burnout eat away at me until I become bare bone.
  • @ahuman710
    "I'll lessen the activity I don't want you killing yourself and blaming me" the words I hear from the teacher used to look up to when I was literally trying my best to stay alive. I was hoping she's saying it out of concern but my heart just sinking deeper with the laughs that came after those words.
  • @dizzy8387
    you know its a good playlist when you dont gotta skip any songs
  • I’m a 6th grader A young artist Almost going to high school. Honestly I don’t want to leave my school yet because I loved how supportive they were. They don’t mind me drawing in or out of class,in fact they express it by giving me art assignments to keep me up practicing my skills :) But.. I’m scared What if I don’t get that same feeling anymore once I switch schools?
  • @humans_eat_
    Listening to this while making art, never skipped a song. Best playlist I’ve ever heard new favorite!
  • @PizzaPocketz
    God I miss Hooky. Thanking this playlist for reminding me of the story and going back to read it now :)
  • @CDara.
    People usually talk about their high-school experience... But for me, everything started at university ; When I was younger at class, I always had time to doodle and make amazing arts. Art was my escape for my problems and trauma. Then, when I started university, I needed more attention and take a lot of notes, I usually finish my day late and just had time to study, cook, eat and sleep. Each time, im too tired to do something I like. Living alone, being in the city, sleeping badly because my windows can't handle the noises from outside and getting worse at art all because I feel like shit and draw less is driving me crazy. I pray god to survive until June. Edit , good news (08/03/2023: I gave up with studying. Now I focus on what I really like and decided to go to another college.
  • Vent) I’ve been struggling in school for a long time, and I wish that whenever I said something about me possibly having a mental illness or something wrong with my head wasn’t taken as just an excuse to get out of school. My mental health has gotten so bad that I just don’t get out of bed anymore, I’ve been to therapy and I’m on medication but it’s just not helping like I want it to. I can barely work on school work and I know it’s disappointing my parents and maybe even my friends. Im constantly reminded on how I can do better how I can be better, but what if I can’t, what if I’m mentally unable to, or what if I truly am just a idiotic disappointment..
  • I would admit I actually got banned from drawing ever in a school I went to due to me being too "distracted". I was diagnosed with ADHD after that, I would throw tamtrums when they told me what to do and would grab my notebook and throw it away. I'm glad I never graduated there.