Cosmic Abundance and Self Love Showers, Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Publicado 2024-04-21
Are you ready to tap into the limitless abundance of the universe? It's time to shower yourself with cosmic blessings and self-love.

Let's reprogram your subconscious mind to attract prosperity, love, and happiness into your life.

Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. Visualize a cosmic shower of abundance pouring down on you, washing away any doubts or fears.

Feel the warmth of self-love embracing you, filling every cell of your being with positivity and confidence.

As you bask in this cosmic shower, repeat affirmations such as "I am worthy of abundance" and "I love and accept myself unconditionally."

Allow these positive statements to sink deep into your subconscious, replacing any negative beliefs that no longer serve you.

Embrace the power of gratitude and watch as the universe responds with even more blessings.

You are a magnet for abundance and love. You deserve all the good things that life has to offer.

Open your heart to receive and let the cosmic showers of abundance and self-love uplift you to new heights.

Thank you for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more empowering content.

#reprogramsubconscious #spiritualhealing #selflovejourney

Todos los comentarios (8)
  • I am beautiful, I am love, I am smart , I am confident, I am worthy, I am strong, I am happy, I am lovely, I am successful, I am healthy, I am kind, I am good, I am special
  • @vdexplore6532
    To whoever is reading this! You are entering a new stage of your life! You needed the tough times to wake you up and teach you to love yourself no matter what! Life is a balance!
  • @bjustmade1030
    Everyone on this comment section deserves all the love in the world because you came searching for it..
  • @TheAdsManager
    Falling in love with oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance
  • @jaydamlm7144
    This is the part of internet I love... just relaxation, positivity and no judgements. There is just so much shit going on at the moment... thank you for this :')
  • While this played in the background I had a dream of myself talking to my younger self saying all these things and woke up feeling lighter. This is amazing
  • @premiumteam
    Why is it so hard to love ourselves? I don't know who you are reading this but I'm sure your exceedingly lovable❤❤