What in the FLIP-FLORP did I just read...?

Hello everyone! I am excited to share with you this video and my thoughts on The Way of Kings. Brandon Sanderson broke me; I can't say enough how amazing this author is! Please go check out his works and add him to your TBR right away if you haven't already!

In the future I look forward to sharing more exciting and fun videos with you guys! In the meantime, you should go follow me on my socials below for more bookish content! Links below!


コメント (12)
  • @akoot
    I was in a dark place when I first read this book, as you can imagine parts of it were really hard to get through, but by the end it felt like I was healed at least a little.
  • Im reading this series right now and I just finished Book2 and I dont think I even want to pause reading to eat and sleep😆 much less work!
  • Oh dude. If you havent already, i recommend reading Warbreaker before second Stormlight book. Thats general consensus in the fan community. And as far as character development goes, just wait! It gets better! Welcome to the fandom!!!
  • For me The Way of Kings is the best book Sanderson ever wrote. The other books are good too, but for me TWoK changed my life.
  • TLDR: Glad you enjoyed it. It is the best currently written series in fantasy. You will not be disappointed. I find the world building wide and epic in scope. It can be read just with Roshar in mind and that is already true. If you consider it as part of the wider cosmere (His shared universe between his series) it is EVEN more so. The character work is what most people tell me is the thing they find 'mind blowing' or that really 'changed them' or causes the most emotional reaction to what they have read. I agree they are astounding. His ability to put these incredibly understandable characters in this incredibly alien world and then just show you what they do and say and in some cases think is amazing. What I mean by that is he doesn't say (As the author) who is right and who is necessarily wrong. Shallan does some things that are clearly wrong in my own morality but I understand why she does them and though I do not agree with all her actions or even her justifications I absolutely love her as a complex and interesting character. Now when I can say that for Jasnah, Dalinar, Kaladin, Lirin, Moash, heck the list goes on Szeth, Adolin, Taravangian, even Elhokar and Navani. That is astounding that he can get me to feel that way not just about Kaldin and Dalinar but all these miriad characters. That is well played sir, that is USING your word count. Then there is the structure and more than anything I think this is a unique thing to Stormlight. Who would have guessed that you could basically write 5 short novels, link them with a series of short stories (some of which provide a running narrative for another main character Szeth), then have a separate prelude and basically start your book three times, then end it three times and all of it works like a giant ketek. That is amazing. That should not work... it just shouldn't. What about the epigraphs written before each chapter allowing small glimpses into the lore or prophecy or ancient texts and how they change in theme from Part 1 to Part 5. Even the art in the book is well thought through an artifact of the world itself. This structure and the fact he made it work are what makes the Stormlight books a masterpiece. they need to be excellently written with a plot that pulls you in characters you are about etc. Yet I think of various authors who have done that for me. Not many even in the league of Brandon but there are some very good plots and very good characters out there, he does not have a monopoly. YET... that structure. Who else has pulled off something like that... I have not read them. The magic system is last to mention but cannot go unmentioned. See how effortlessly he explains the lashings via the SHOW not TELL of Szeth's Prologue chapter. Can't wait till you read the prologue chapter of the following books and then you can see the wider multi book structure. anyway it is an excellent way of explaining the magic system so we understand it in an interesting and engaging way. Then we see throughout the book bit by bit Kaladin discover the magic system the way it is to be used and we the reader UNDERSTAND what is happening. So when people survive we don't think it is unrealistic we think Aha I know whats happening here! Yet even with that knowledge he surprises us with how it all works and then we have some amazing moments like the swearing of the oath and all that. Yet it doesn't feel unearned which is crucial to me. Then he even has the Ars Arcanum like a reference book at the end and I even love that! So much space to expand as well which is exciting and rewards you for reading closely. Finally just some great moments. That line "Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king", the words and moment of saying the 2nd oath, and of course the ultimate moment for me in the whole book, Simply put "For the Bridgemen!" This is an amazing book, I could discuss it with anyone and at length. Additional note: The place you can make the biggest difference to your quality is with sound. Even a moderate additional effort there either with a better mic if you have the funds or better mic positioning (probably fixed rather than attached to you) it will make a big difference to you maintaining an audience. This is meant to be helpful rather than critical.
  • @hexeldev
    This is my second favorite book of all time. My favorite : Words of Radiance
  • @PureMagma
    YEEEESSS!!! This is exactly how I felt the first time I read WOK also! 🏆❤️‍🔥💯🤯 I've read it several times now (usually I'm speeding past the Shallan & Jasnah portions bc TLDR + Don't Care 😅) ...but the rest of the book is 😘👌
  • @jono8884
    I could not finish book 1......just did not get into it....sprenitis. p.s. take the mic off your neck.