The Most Powerful Mindset for Success

Published 2017-12-24

All Comments (21)
  • Happy Holidays everyone! Hope you all had a great 2017 and here’s to a better 2018! I’ll see you again in the new year :)
  • @LeafTreez
    I'm just commenting on this video because I never comment so I get out of my comfort zone
  • @sheerwill8729
    Mix this with self-discipline and you become unstoppable!
  • Everything in life is about mindset. There are different skills you need to train yourself with to get to a happy place. But it’s constant work. In my opinions key skills are patience, self awareness, gratefulness and perspective
  • @asdakuhi8h
    "Process over result" School is the exact opposite of the growth mindset. All I've ever really learned from school is that if you can memorize what they taught you, then you can get good grades and you don't even need to really know the subject. Good grades are supposed to lead to success which is not always the case. School made learning something I hate. Once I started to explore stuff on my own I realized learning was actually really fun and fulfilling.
  • @nhihuynh5452
    Summary: how to develop a growth mindset 1. Believe that your brain can change as you learn. 2. Focus on the process and refine it. Read books or talk to other people how their process is and learn from it. 3. Find adversity by stepping out of your comfort zone. This way you will learn that everything requires effort, not simply talent.
  • @precious5605
    The truth is more important than the facts. Access to productive information is what we all need to become successful in life. To possibly create wealth good enough to retire, proficiency is indeed necessary; causing most affluent entrepreneurs to acquire the synergy of wealth managers that offers high-net-worth operations that encompasses all parts of a person’s financial life. Get yourself an aid
  • @kingbush9328
    Every family has that one person who will break the family financial struggles, I hope you become the one 🙏 Train your mind to see the good in every investment.
  • @rosam853
    "Who you are is defined by what you're willing to struggle for" by Mark Manson.
  • @josef6999
    A fixed mindset is just an excuse to not put in effort to learn and grow
  • Listen . there's 4 things you need to reasonably smart, moderately strong, fairly good looking and nice or fair to everyone. You can achieve this by reading books, playing chess, doing pushups, running, practicing good hygiene, grooming yourself regularly, and intuitively following your best judgement. People either complicate this concept or don't even see it to begin with. We're all just on a spinning ball of mud. I just wish there was help.
  • @maryclyne9335
    EVERY FAMILY has a light that breaks the chain of POVERTY I am one, I AM one and I pray you will be one am grateful for Mrs Nancy Sherwood for changing financial life
  • Remind me of Josh Waitzkin “The moment we believe that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability, we will be brittle in the face of adversity.” – Josh Waitzkin
  • @garuda12341
    I thank my ex for leaving, because of her, I went from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset
  • @kailam8137
    Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works
  • The mind is just like muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.
  • There’s a book I read about special forces. A quote I’ll never forget is “You cant mass produce a special forces soldier” I apply this to my life. It means that you can’t have 1000 soldiers enter selection and have all 1000 pass. It’s a tough course, not meant to be easy. It’s not meant to be a physical challenge but also a mental challenge. A SF soldier’s greatest weapon is the head he carries on his shoulders. A never quit attitude, make room for failure, and grow. Train as if you’re life is on the line because eventually, it will. Don’t ever think you can’t do anything. If a 220, 5’10” 18 year old who has never worked out a day in their life, spent their days smoking, eating and being lazy, can make it through basic combat training, then not only him, but every soul on earth can be something greater than themselves. And that 220lb 18 year old is going to Special Forces Selection on their 21st birthday
  • @luisterrust
    Having a growth mindset is soooooo important! Lots of love to the people who can relate.