《剪羊毛 》墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra - 《Click Go the Shears》

Published 2023-02-07
《剪羊毛 》 指揮: 陳劭航
《剪羊毛》 是一首傳統的澳大利亞民歌。 這首歌詳細描述了在剪毛機出現前,剪羊毛工人一天的工作,旋律輕鬆活潑。這個版本是著名作曲家關迺忠先生特別為中國音樂學院華夏民樂團在2013年前來澳洲巡迴演出而改編,因時近中秋,作曲家巧妙地把《彩雲追月》的旋律譜寫進去,令人感到耳目一新。

《Click Go the Shears》
Conductor: Aaron Chan
Arranged by Nai Chung Kuan
"Click Go the Shears" is a traditional Australian Folk Song. The song details a day's work for a sheep shearer in the days before machine shears. Its melody is lively and vivid. This version is specially rearranged by the renowned composer Mr. Nai Chung Kuan for the Australia Tour of the China Conservatory Orchestra in 2013. As the performances took place close to the Mid Autumn Festival, the composer added the melody of the “Colourful Clouds chasing the Moon” into the folk music in a subtle way, giving it a fresh sound.


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