Publicado 2024-07-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • She started walking off the court when she realizes she's not going to get the ball.
  • @imab-lever445
    The reason Reese was being defended by 4 players is because Reese was THE ONLY Sky player even near the basket even within the arch lol the whole Sky team was outside the arch or by the half court line at that point NO BLUE JERSEYS IN SIGHT cuz they were DONE. That was just embarrasing for Reese
  • @loulasher
    The quadruple team was hillarious.
  • @TWalls67
    She's some BS!! 3/13 in the paint and you're complaining about not getting the ball last second? 6 points off layups? GTFOH
  • @GWRus77
    Stop defending ARs behavior. There have been multiple games she is trying to keep her streak alive when the game was over. She isn’t caught up in anything but her own narcissism. She is also a grown woman and can make her own choices, external influences or not.
  • @TwitchGDeLL
    3 for 13, 0 for 1 from 3... she had plenty of chances to score two points.
  • @bubbles1525_
    She needs to understand winning games is more important then individual stats bc at the end of the day no one cares about your stats if you keep losing
  • @YankeeWoodcraft
    Props to Lindsay Allen for running out that clock in the last 6 seconds. #Character Now The Sky can focus on winning games because they put an end to her own personal goals. Today, Caitlin Clark let the consecutive double double go and focused on points to win the game in the last quarter.
  • @kemkoeut5924
    she traveled at the end but they didnt even call that lol. she cared more about her double double streak than the team loss.
  • @chipmunk4kids1
    Double dribble, traveling, ball hogging, missing shots on purpose just to get a rebound. Fake record, disgusting, and a disgrace to the game.
  • @charlesg5085
    These clowns were just artificially padding her stats to screw CC.
  • @CodyCha
    A lot of Reese fans have no clue about dribbling out the clock stuff 😂
  • @ypark2877
    A couple of her missed shots in last games were hilarious. With no one around hits bottom of the backboard and her head.
  • @HD-tf6zu
    Carter did this two games ago. She knows this double-double is garbage. Carter recognizes that this is a team sport and not an all about Reese Sport. I’m glad Carter has done integrity!
  • @MaymeIke
    "Now she's free to score rather than try to miss and get the rebound." That's awesome!
  • @jimjernigan8694
    Carter is the best player on that team and it’s not close!
  • @tybozo
    you're wrong about the last part. it definitely defined her as the double-doubles were the only reason she was even in contention for ROTY