Top Ten Liked Characters We're Supposed to Hate

Published 2021-02-01

All Comments (21)
  • @zexionfan15
    "Charisma is not a factor; basically if you're intended to be entertained in the character's force of personality and relishing being a villain, I'm not counting them." Well, there goes Handsome Jack.
  • Worst of all in the Josh case, is that the reason why no doctor was able to help him, is because he was being treated for the wrong problem. After all, he was suffering from schizophrenia, yet all the prescriptions he got were of anti-depressants, which leave the main problem, his over-active dopamine unchecked (after all, they only tackled the decrease in serotonin), and it's specially appalling because it's something that anyone who has gone to medicine school should know, so the only explanation is that those doctors, simply didn't care enough to help him when he needed help the most. Also, it explains a lot his behaviour, since schizophrenia tends to have simptoms like auditory and visual hallutinations (the fact that he sees his dead sisters blaming him for not being there when he was so wasted that he couldn't do a thing), paranoia (he thinks that nobody cares for him, to the point that they would leave him to die even though he was about to be cut in half by a sawblade), social withdrawal (he things that what he does is socially acceptable, like, he even says that it was just a prank, which also, is a nice word choice, because they also thought that what they did to his sisters was just a prank) and disorganized speech (his rambling when he tells them that he was the psycho, it's so incoherent because they are portraying a book case of schizophrenia). It's quite sad that the one that has the least control over his life and the one that was begging for help can't be saved, after all, he either gets his skull crushed by a wendigo or he becomes a wendigo himself.
  • @waterking74
    Josh: “I’m not apologizing for what I said about Abby though” Me: thank u, u have every right to not like her
  • @angbandsbane
    Josh: "The devil. Satan. The first fallen angel." Ad starts: "I lost my job at age 56." Me: "Geeze, times really are getting tough when even the Dark One gets canned"
  • @martinsalvatico
    One character that comes to mind is The Pale King from Hollow Kngiht. Yes, killing thousands of your own children until finding the one who is truly empty of thoughts and emotions in order to trap the Radiance is horryfing and disturbing, but... what other choice did he have? The game never hints at another solution to trap or defeat the Radiance. Hell, Ghost, the protagonist, the character you control, his main objective is to trap the Radiance, and depending on your choices, he can succeed. if you obtain the Void Heart (which allows its host to become hollow) and defeat the Hollow Knight, the Radiance is trapped forever within you; and if you dream nail the Hollow Knight (again, after possesing the Void Heart), you can actuallly kill her, thus proving The Pale King right. What else could he have done? There was no other solution. He either sacrificed one of his children to trap the Radiance, or do nothing and let the Raidance escape from the dream world and mentally enslave the entire population of Hallownest, turning everyone into a mindless puppet whose only purpose is to worship her for eternity.
  • @isenokami7810
    As someone who picked Golden Deer first (wasn’t planning on it, but Claude’s charisma won me over)...yeah, pretty sure I picked my favorite route first. Claude’s ideals are, in my opinion, a realist’s approach to Friendship is Magic: wanting peace for all in a world where cultural boundaries are broken, yet knowing full well that such peace cannot come without sacrifice. Even so, he doesn’t let his goal blind him to his methods, and always tries to minimize that sacrifice to what is absolutely necessary. Godspeed, Claude; you are a ruler I would follow to the ends of the earth.
  • @BeaglzRok1
    The clumsy manner mentioned in the final entry reminds of a timeless Heavy quote: "What SICK MAN sends BABIES to fight me?"
  • "Then you remember it's Satan." Oh thank goodness, I thought a spy was narrating this segment for a minute
  • @rmzing
    #1 though. It's like Yoko Tara was screaming at you "HATE HIM! HATE HIM!" But the game failed to produce a valid reason as to why. Sounds a lot like today's political discourse...
  • @Randomizer903
    The thing about Lucifer: While is aligned with Chaos, when he merges with Merkahbah to become Satan, they're ultimately on the side of Law; God's right-hand man.
  • @zrixie7695
    I love Solas. He spent his life trying to free slaves from his peers, only to sleep for centuries and wake up learning he is villainized by the descendants of the slaves and the slavers are worshiped. And the red lyrium future trip the Inquisitor took was supposed to show how Solas sees the future he is in now. He feels like he made a mistake because he tried to help people but it just ended up worse, now he wants to go back and try to fix it. But if you befriend him this becomes torturous for him. Cause he made the mistake of befriending the people in this horrible future. So even though he is conflicted and feels horrible, he feels like he has to destroy everything to make it right again, even killing his friend and/or lover. It's soooo good!
  • It is a weird thing, when you feel for a character you are told to despise. You are right about it not being very common, most of the time the person writing has to have enough talent to make a likable character while lacking the self awareness to realize that they made that character more sympathetic then they intended. That uncanny valley is very hard to actually get because most of the time bad writers simply imitate what they see successful writers do, resulting in characters that are flat and hard to relate to. It's rare to find that writer that is just competent enough to make a character unintentionally sympathetic, and that makes it more painful to see in writing.
  • @oatz8449
    If guzma in this list then “it’s your boy guzma!”
  • @LordVanOskuro
    "When darkness goes bad, everyone expects it. But when light goes bad, ironically no one sees it coming." Also, a world without darkness would be a white void, specifically the one from Paper Mario.
  • @goldlight1322
    Ah yes, Edelgard. It speaks volumes about how well she was written that she can still be a hot topic of conversation. What I think a lot of people overlook, though, is that she’s less of an absolutist in her own route. Despite her claims, Edelgard in Crimson Flower DOES have boundaries; she actively tries to minimize casualties when and where she can, and even offers her foes the chance to surrender when she sees them backed into a corner.
  • @TayRayReads
    What a coincidence, I had just finished rewatching the "Hated Characters We're Supposed to Love" list.
  • Caim's unintentional sympathetic factors are ramped up to eleven in the sequel, and he's technically an antagonist in that one, what with seeking to undo the seals he once tried to protect. However, you can't really blame him; the one being he came to trust unconditionally - maybe even love - is in constant pain due to acting as the new seal for the world and Caim feels all of it because of their pact. The new governing body, the Knights of the Seal, strengthened the seal without consulting him, increasing both his and Angelus' suffering while also necessitating human sacrifices to keep these new seals in check. Those human sacrifices, you ask? Former soldiers of the Empire from Drakengard 1 who were brainwashed to serve its cause. The leader of the Knights of the Seal, Gismor, is himself a former Empire soldier yet feels no remorse in committing similar acts of cruelty on his own countrymen. Seeing as how the winning side of 1's story ended, it's no wonder Caim restarted his slaughterfest wholesale; everybody's either an asshole or an unwitting pawn who will bring forth the same exact conclusion in any case.
  • So glad my boy Eraqus is getting the love he deserves! There's a certain complexity to him that I can't help but WANT to be explored: someone who WAS Light Is Not Good - for reasons that one can't help but understand - but realizes his mistakes and flaws that one would not expect from him. Wonder if he could get his own game...
  • @Brolylomaniac
    Here’s another opposite suggestion Ten characters you LOVE to hate Basically characters you hate, but since their meant to be hated, you feel every satisfaction of hating them